Restorative Dentistry and You

Are your teeth damaged, crooked or missing? Improving your smile can be as simple as taking advantage of the restorative dental treatments offered by your Arlington, TX dentist, Dr. Joseph Reed.

Is your smile crooked? Invisalign offers a subtle straightening option

Invisalign realigns your smile without wires. During your treatment, you'll wear a series of clear, removable aligner trays that fit snugly over your teeth. Each set in the series will be worn for two weeks. The trays exert gentle pressure on your teeth, gradually improving their alignment.

You'll wear the trays for about 22 hours per day, although you can take them out occasionally if you'll be playing sports or attending a special event. Invisalign offers a discreet straightening method for children, teens and adults and is effective in straightening teeth, improving spacing issues and correcting bite problems.

Veneers and crowns hide tooth damage

Both veneers and crowns address cosmetic issues by keeping imperfections out of sight. Veneers are thin, tooth-shaped plastic or porcelain shells attached to your teeth with dental cement. The restorations hide chips, cracks and other minor damage. They're also used to conceal discolorations and uneven surfaces, change the shape or length of teeth, cover slight gaps, and whiten your smile.

Crowns are hollow, tooth-shaped restorations that completely cover the visible parts of teeth. Before your crown is cemented to your tooth, the tooth must be prepared. Crowns repair damaged teeth, improve the appearance of crooked or oddly shaped teeth and hide discolorations.

Dental implants offer an innovative tooth loss solution

Rebuilding your entire lost tooth, from the root to the crown, is possible today thanks to dental implants. Implants are tiny titanium posts added to your jaw during minor oral surgery in Arlington. The dental implants serve as artificial roots and bond to your jawbone in about three to six months. Your new roots are connected to dental crowns to complete the restoration process.

Dental implants can:

  • Offer excellent biting power
  • Help keep your jawbone strong
  • Prevent your other teeth from shifting due to the loss of a tooth
  • Replace any number of missing teeth

Revitalize your smile with restorative dental treatments offered by your dentist in Arlington, TX, Dr. Reed. Call us at (817) 303-5700 to schedule an appointment.