
Invisalign Treatment in Arlington, TX

Have you been hiding your smile? Dr. Reed is an Invisalign Premier Provider! He is a general dentist but has undergone extensive training – a 2 year program – with the International Academy of Orthodontics. He understands how crooked teeth can affect your life and make you feel self conscious. In Arlington, Texas he is a premier provider of invisible braces.

Are your teeth crooked or misaligned? Braces are something that adults dread. People are looking at your smile when you speak. Braces make most adults feel self conscious and juvenile! At Arlington Dental in Arlington, Texas we understand that you want to straighten your teeth without the embarrassment or discomfort of braces. Dr. Reed can help you to straighten your smile with Invisalign® clear aligners.

images of teeth before and after treatment with Invisalign in Arlington, TX

What Is Invisalign® and How Does It Work?

Invisalign is the invisible way to straighten teeth using a series of custom-made, nearly undetectable aligners. And it’s been proven effective in both clinical research and in practices nationwide. These aligners are made of clear thermoplastic and look similar to whitening trays. Each aligner is specifically designed to shift certain teeth throughout the course of your treatment. Once we decide that Invisalign is right for you, we will map out your treatment plan, which we will then send to an Invisalign lab so they can begin designing your aligners.

Through Invisalign’s advanced computer technology we can determine which teeth need to move in order to achieve the proper smile. From there, each aligner is made to promote certain tooth movements. Invisalign treatment can address minor to more severe tooth movements, but can’t handle issues that require complicated or complex jaw or tooth movements. You’ll wear these aligners for about 22 hours out of the day, only removing them to eat, drink, brush and floss.

We can help you feel better about your teeth and smile! We offer special discounts, like a $1500 coupon for treatment. Call us today to learn more! 

Watch the video!

Benefits of Invisalign®

  • No embarrassing metal wires with clear braces
  • No metal abrasions during treatment – your lips won’t cut and bleed
  • No metal = less time spent on adjustments – you won’t lose brackets
  • o one can tell you are straightening your teeth – you may feel them working
  • Removable, eat and drink what you want while in treatment – wear them 22 hours
  • Brushing and flossing are not a problem – take them out to brush

You can eat and brush and floss your teeth just like you always do, then, you will wear your aligner the rest of the time – 22 hours per day. We have flexible payments palns. As the weeks go by, you will see your teeth get straighter and straighter. Watch this video to see how amazing it is!

Interested in straightening your smile without the hassle of metal braces? Call Arlington Dental in Arlington, TX today at (817) 303-5700 to schedule a consultation for Invisalign.