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CRPS/RSD after an injury?
Well, you are in the right office.
After a severe ankle injury, I received the additional gift of CRPS/RSD. After 18 months of physical therapy, I decided to find a surgeon to repair the mechanical damage in my ankle. I wanted my ankle to work mechanically when the CRPS/RSD is in remission.
After consulting with 5 orthopedic surgeons (3 local, 1 University Surgeon, and 1 from the Hospital for Special Surgeries in NYC), each one consistently referred me to pain management, put their palms up in the air, and said there was nothing they could do.
Well, I knew Dr. Sheinberg was my only hope because IF he couldn't repair the damage, he would know who could.
When I contacted Dr. Sheinberg, he was happy to view the MRI's and see me for a consult. After a full exam, he confidently agreed to repair my ankle. Showed me pictures of his previous experience, explained different possible scenarios, so many possibilities to fully repair my injuries.
Dr. Sheinberg quickly scheduled me for a consult with Dr. Ashraf Hanna, the neurologist near home. Dr. Hanna was just as amazing. After a full examination, Dr. Hanna scheduled me for his pre-surgery, surgery and post-surgery protocol. Once the neurology treatment was in place, Dr. Sheinberg was ready to schedule surgery. Dr. Sheinberg and staff are just amazing! They followed the neurologist's instructions exactly as requested, and they went beyond the neurologist's standard protocol to ensure the least amount of nerve reaction/irritation and pain after the surgery. Dr. Sheinberg texted with me the night of surgery to see how I was doing, he made sure I checked in with him every day on the weekend. If there was a pain issue, he was on top of it. His goal - no pain after surgery, and he made sure that's what happened. During the first office visit, he explained what he did to repair my ankle, and he had pictures. He even did extra work to ensure nothing was able to affect the nerve. It is refreshing to find doctors that still give health CARE.
Within 3 months, I was walking and lightly jogging with a compression sock - no brace. By 6 months, I had full range of motion, was jogging, and the scar is unnoticeable. They are truly masters at their craft. I knew from the beginning of my search for a surgeon, if no one else would help me, Dr. Sheinberg could. He did, and I am so grateful to have full mechanical use of my ankle again. Take a chance, the CRPS/RSD is just there, but mechanical injuries can be repaired. For quality of life, with a chance to return to normal activities, you are in the right place. Words cannot express my grateful and happy heart. I have full use of my ankle again! Hooray Sincerely blessed,
Gail L. Perry

Carlo Messina, DPM My daughter, Isabella, was born with flat feet and as she grew older, I could see that her feet were pronating so much her knees would buckle and as a result, her feet and ankles hurt.  Dr. Sheinberg's practice was highly recommended and I took my daughter for an evaluation. As soon as Dr. Sheinberg saw her, he immediately knew that she required surgery to correct the problem. He was thorough and informative in explaining exactly what the issues were and I was very thankful that I finally knew there would be a light at the end of the tunnel to help her. Isabella had surgery in November of 2010 on the right foot and surgery on the left foot in July 2011 with Dr. Sheinberg and Dr. Messina. Both times the results were amazing and when the casts came off, the difference was remarkable. Her feet look normal and she is so happy. Every time we've gone to the office, we have been treated with professionalism and courtesy. We could not be happier with the care, service, and results of the surgeries. I highly recommend Foot, Ankle and leg specialists.

Dr. Robert Sheinberg,
It has been 3 weeks since our visit. We wanted to let you know that Jerry's ankle is feeling great! We are walking 2 to 3 miles a day There is no pain in the ankle area at all, just a little stiffness. He is pleased and delighted to be able to walk again!!
We appreciate your professional, caring, honest approach! Thank you for taking a more conservative approach, and not immediately suggesting surgery!! If there is ever a need to see a specialist for foot and ankle concerns, we will definitely be returning to you.
Thank you for working us into your busy schedule, since we flew in from overseas. Your entire medical/support team was fantastic. Let me add that Eddy helped me tremendously, and he took the time to answer all of my questions. Blessings,
Jerry and Teresa Fitzgerald

Dr. Carlo Messina & Dr. Robert Sheinberg were absolutely terrific during my time of need after a sports injury on 31 August 2010.
After a brief visit to their office in Weston, they both concurred that I had suffered a Tri-Maleo Ankle fracture and I would be in need of
surgery the following week as I had chronic swelling.. The surgery took place at a nearby outpatient clinic in which all the services
rendered by both Dr's and clinical staff were amazing.. After listening to Dr. Messina's post-op instructions I healed beautifully ahead of
schedule. Today a year later I am fully healed feeling terrific and resumed all sport and athletic activities.
One thing is certain that the angels were with me in having sent this team of Orthopedic surgeons to be the ones designated to
follow through with my orthopedic health needs.. I am confident in their abilities and although I do not wish to have another surgery
I am clear that they would be the ones that I would consult and recommend to my colleagues. Respectfully,
Robert A. Galisteo Bermudez, CFp,CCm

Our experience with Dr. Sheinberg has been amazing. The surgeries on Joshua's feet went better than we could have ever hoped. For the first time in his life, he feels that he can participate in sports instead of just being a bystander. We cannot express our gratitude to Dr. Sheinberg or his staff including the therapy. Mrs. Davenport
We first encountered Dr. Sheinberg after my son Hunter's soccer season due to chronic ankle pain. I initially though he was suffering from Sever's but the pain just would not go away. After Hunter's initial examination with Dr. Sheinberg, it was discovered that in fact, he suffered a small fracture of his talus that dislodged and was causing his pain and loss of function. Surgery was his only option.
I can say without any hesitation Dr. Sheinberg fully explained Hunter's condition, surgical risks, post operative directives and most important, his prognosis.
The surgery could not have went any better. Hunter's rehab time was less than half of what was anticipated. He had no residuals, made a full recovery and was back on the field in 3 months. We could not be any happier.

Prior to having surgery a few years ago with Dr's. Sheinberg and Messina at South Florida Institute of Sports Medicine I experienced a great deal of discomfort with a very ugly bunion on my left foot.
There was virtually no pain during or after surgery-- the only inconvenience because I had to wear a boot for 6 to 8 weeks. I frequently hear horror stories when the subject of bunion surgery comes up. I have referred a number of folks, most recently my sister, and all of them have given me positive feed-back.
It is apparent that these doctors are tops in their field!
Eva Mathes Plantation, Florida

Before his surgery, Jett complained every time he had to play a sport, or even just going outside to play. Thanks to Dr. Sheinberg, we have come a long way!
To see that smile on our son’s face for the first time while playing a sport…was priceless.
(When he told us he did not want the football season to end, it brought tears to my eyes.)
Jett is now pain-free and runs just as fast as everyone else. It is truly amazing!
Words cannot express our appreciation for everything Dr. Sheinberg has done for our son.
Kathy and Larry Travers