Testimonials 2

Hi, my name is Jaime. To my doctor I would like to thank you for the operation. Before I could not walk very well. I had terrible inflammation and pain in my ankle. It was very hard to walk. Now my ankle is 100 percent better. I had torn tendons and ligaments in my ankle. He repaired them and my ankle bones. Thank you, doctor Robert H. Sheinberg.

Dear Doctor Messina, Doctor Sheinberg and Staff:
I couldn’t avoid my responsibility as a patient to communicate to you and your staff how grateful I am for the surgery you performed on my feet a year ago. I had bunions since I was a girl and was very conscious of them for as long as I can remember. Making the decision to have surgery to remove them was one of the best things I ever did. I am now twenty-one years old, but my feet are only one year old. They look and feel amazing and I can wear anything I want from sandals and high-heel shoes. I am forever gratified!!! Thank you so very much for all that you did for me and my new feet!
Vanessa Peruyero

Hi Dr. Messina, It’s almost a year since I had the Fusion Surgery on my right ankle. I am writing this to not only tell you but hopefully you can share with your patients considering this type of surgery. I am doing amazing!! My pain level is at a zero and only going to a 1-2, but only if I’m running around on the beach (which I wasn’t able to do before the Fusion). It’s incredible that I am able to walk, without even a slight limp, and be pain free! I cannot thank you and Dr. Sheinberg enough. You have truly changed my life for the better!! Thank you!
For your potential patients… I fell off an 8ft ladder and broke my tibia from the base to almost my knee 4 years ago. My ankle resembled being exploded with hundreds of fragments of bone and cartilage. The second surgery I had was to take out the hardware. It was successful but I only had a little cartilage left which was wearing away with every step. Dr. Messina explained the Fusion surgery in depth and told me my options. I waited as long as I could stand it fearing the idea of having my ankle fused. Dr. Messina gave me all the time I needed, using Cortisone shots as a band aid while I decided when to do the surgery. It got to the point where I was in so much pain (even with very strong painkillers) I actually thought about just amputating my foot. So I went for the surgery. Here’s the run down:
The surgery itself was a few hours, Dr. Messina and Dr. Sheinberg both took their time to make sure they did a perfect job. They did! I woke up in zero pain and very comfortable. I was put into a hard cast and told to rest with my leg up. The nerve block wore off later that night which was a bit uncomfortable, but not that bad with the pain killers. I worked from home for almost 2 months to the day with office visits every couple of weeks. After two months of the hard cast I went to the boot and my pain level was down to a 4. I didn’t put any pressure on it for another month or so, but loved the freedom to shower and scratch my leg. As I started to put more and more pressure and go through physical therapy, the pain would vary from day to day…but the biggest (an happiest I’ve been in years) once I got off my ankle was not in pain at ALL!! Eventually I went to 100% pressure and continued the PT. The pain dissipated very quick and I found myself doing things I haven’t done in years….like walks on the beach, shopping in the mall, not looking like Quasimodo walking down the street limping.
In summary… Dr. Messina and Dr. Sheinberg not only did amazing work on my ankle and leg, they showed a very true compassion for me. They called me frequently to check up with my progress. I could not be happier with the results. I actually feel human again. If you are undecided to whether you will go through with the surgery or not, I can honestly tell you that this surgery will change your life for the better!
Jason Bray

I have been a patient of Dr. Sheinberg’s for a few years. Dr Sheinberg repaired my ankle with pins.
Throughout the years I have been coming to his office, and have always have been treated professionally and friendly. His staff from day one keeps me informed.
To say the least the work on my ankle has been tested through the years conceding my weight has been 300 plus
So the work he performed on my ankle have stood the test of time.
I would gladly and have recommended Dr. Sheinberg to my co-workers, friends and family.
Sincerely, Thomas Martin

I first started going to Dr. Sheinberg when I was 13 years old because of chronic pain in my ankles. I went to many doctors before him and was put into braces and orthopedics since I was about seven, after a soccer injury. I was referred to him by another doctor after it was determined that I had high arches. Dr. Sheinberg was great at making sure both my mom and I understood what he was talking about. I met Dr. Messina when he started working with Dr. Sheinberg; he is another fantastic doctor that really took the time with me. We knew surgery might have to be the answer but we all wanted to wait until I was older. When I turned 17 we started on surgery plans, over the next two years I had both of my feet operated on. I went to physical therapy at the office that is affiliated with them, they were great. It has been over two years since my surgery and I am walking normally, back into physical activity, and most importantly no longer in pain. Dr. Sheinberg, Dr. Messina, and the rest of the staff are truly amazing and even inspired me to go into the medical field.
Megan Thomson

Hi my name is Treneisa, Dr. Messina performed surgery on both my feet. One on July 15, 2011 and the other on February 25, 2012. I had bunions and corns on both of my feet. I haven't worn sandals since the 6th grade and I'm graduating high school this year. They were very unattractive before surgery that I wouldn't allow anyone to see them. But with the help of Dr. Messina I can now wear sandals this school year and the rest of my life without worrying about people gazing at my toes. The surgery went great! It was painful afterward but surgery was a success and I LOVE my new toes. Everyone who knows of my surgery tells me it doesnt look I had as if I've had surgery because my scars aren't visible. My toes are so pretty! My friends constantly tell me how pretty my toes are. I'm going to have them out all summer! (: Thank you soooooooooo much Dr. Messina !!!
Happy Patient, Treneisa