Exploring Stress Reduction Therapy: Techniques, Benefits, and How to Get Started

Is stress getting the better of you? Dr. Renee Clauselle of Renee Clauselle Wellness in Garden City, NY, offers stress reduction therapy to help get you on a healthy path. 

Guide to Stress Reduction Therapy 

 No one is immune to stress, and life is full of stressful situations. Relationship issues, financial struggles, and work or career issues are some of the most common. However, even taking a vacation can create some level of stress. 

While stress is constantly appearing in our lives, it doesn’t always stay. In some cases, though, it seems to take up residence and cause a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional issues, including: 

  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep 
  • Elevated blood pressure 
  • Irritability 
  • Fatigue 
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • Lowered immunity 
  • Arguments with friends and loved ones 
  • Digestive issues 
  • Chronic pain 
  • Lowered productivity
  • Headaches and more 

 In short, it can impact your entire life. It can also lead to mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. However, you don’t have to let any of this happen. Dr. Clauselle of Renee Clauselle Wellness in Garden City, NY, explains below how stress reduction therapy can help. 

What Is Stress Reduction Therapy, and What Techniques Are Used? 

 Considering stress is such a common part of life, many people don’t think about receiving therapy for it. The truth is, though, that everyone can benefit from it. 

Therapy for stress helps you learn how to manage the stress in your life through healthy techniques. The exact techniques can vary, depending on your needs. However, some examples include the following. 

Talk therapy: We can all benefit from talking about the stressful situations we deal with and discovering the underlying issues that might influence our levels of stress. 

  • CBT: Cognitive behavioral therapy helps identify negative thoughts and behaviors. You and your therapist can then work on changing those thoughts and behaviors to reduce stress. 
  • Mindfulness: Often, we become stressed or our stress increases when we are unaware of our thoughts and feelings. Mindfulness helps us become more aware of both our internal and external environments, which we can then use to manage and reduce stress. 


 Therapy for stress reduction can benefit you from the inside out. Some benefits include but are not limited to: 

  • Improved sleep 
  • Better general health 
  • Reduction of pain and headaches 
  • Relief from some symptoms of chronic disease 
  • Boosted mood, focus, and energy levels
  • Improved digestion 
  • Improved relationships 
  • Lower blood pressure 
  • General sense of wellbeing 

Get started with stress reduction therapy by calling (516) 750-4841 to schedule a session with Dr. Clauselle at Renee Clauselle Wellness in Garden City, NY.

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