Solution-Focused Therapy

Solution-Focused Therapy in Garden City, NY

You may consider solution-focused therapy if you are exploring a more pragmatic form of therapy and want to focus on specific goals and on improving your future rather than the past. There are many benefits to solution-focused therapy, though it may not be for everyone, so to learn more, you can reach out to Dr. Renee Clauselle of Renee Clauselle Wellness in Garden City, NY.

Interpersonal Solution-Focused Therapy

Interpersonal solution-focused therapy may be an appropriate therapy for your needs as a standalone or to be used in conjunction with other ongoing styles of therapy.

The focus of this type of therapy is on seeking solutions to current and future problems rather than delving too far back.


You may benefit most from solution-focused therapy if you're looking to focus on practical solutions, self-efficacy, and optimism. The straightforward strategies and the sense of progress that these strive for can help get you and keep you motivated toward change. Another important benefit is that solution-focused therapy is, for the most part, brief and goal-oriented.

How It Works

If your life were to miraculously be better overnight, what are some of the things that you would notice?

That is the so-called miracle question, a technique often used by professionals to get you to consider all the ways in which you can make proactive plans toward improving your life. There are no magical answers and no magical solutions, but it does allow you to reframe how you look at the problems in your life.

Over the course of a few sessions, you and your therapist can work on creating a list of realistic goals and exploring how you will achieve them. There are many different techniques that your therapist may employ throughout to help you achieve the change that you need.

If you are interested in exploring the many benefits of solution-focused therapy and live in or near the area of Garden City, NY, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Clauselle of Renee Clauselle Wellness by dialing (516) 750-4841.

Contact Us

Our Location

Hours of Operation

Renee Clauselle Wellness, PC


9:00 am-9:00 pm


9:00 am-9:00 pm


9:00 am-9:00 pm


9:00 am-9:00 pm


9:00 am-9:00 pm


9:00 am-3:00 pm

