TMJ Therapy

Your Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects the temporal bone of the skull to the lower jaw (mandible). Cushioning these two bones is a thin disc of cartilage. Muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue support this joint to hold everything in place and make it function smoothly and comfortably. It is the most used joint in the entire body and it affects your ability to talk, chew, and swallow.  Unfortunately, as with any other joint in the body, problems can develop.  Trauma to the jaw from accidents and falls can result  in direct, acute damage to the joint.. Chronic damage from grinding and clenching of the teeth due to malocclusion and stress can cause significant damage to the joint over time.

Is Temporomandibular Joint Disorder a Problem for You?

TMJ disorders are a family of problems related to your complex jaw joint. Is TMJ disorder causing you problems? Begin to find out by asking yourself these questions…

  • Do you wake up with sore, stiff muscles around your jaws?
  • Do you have frequent headaches, neckaches, or facial pain behind the eyes?
  • Are you aware of grinding or clenching your teeth?
  • Does stress make your clenching and pain worse?
  • Does your jaw click, pop, grate, catch, or lock when you open your mouth?
  • Is it difficult or painful to open your mouth, eat, or yawn?
  • Have you had problems (such as arthritis) with other joints?
  • Have you ever injured your neck, head, or jaw?
  • Are your teeth sensitive, loose, broken, or worn?
  • Does your bite feel off balance?

The more times you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, the more likely it is that you have a TMJ disorder.


The doctors and team at Expressions Dental have had years of advanced training in the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of TMJ disorders.  Let us help you find relief and comfort that you have been looking for!  With the correct diagnosis and a personalized treatment program, many of our patients have found relief from the pain and other symptoms of a TMJ disorder and can get back to a life of comfortable chewing and talking being free of headaches and jaw and neck pain.