There are times when small things become major sources of frustration. Even in the best run practices (and we like to think of ours as one of those) things do not always proceed smoothly. There can be miscommunications, special circumstances-- maybe a staff member was not quite him- or, herself and mispoke. Or maybe, your need falls somewhat outside usual procedure. There's no denying it. Things happen. 

 But, because we really are a well run practice, and we truly care about our patients, we've ensured recourse to get things set straight. Our Chief Operating Officer, Louise Link Saruk, has always functioned as a patient advocate. Unfortunately, not everyone has known that she is available to help.  Louise encourages you to seek her help in addressing whatever your need may be. She monitors both the patient portal and the "contactus" mailbox.  However, to preserve privacy, established patients with clinical concerns should, please, communicate with her only through the patient portal. Your private business needs to remain your private business.

Louise may not be able to solve every issue, but she will make certain that you are heard and that your questions get answered.  So, don't be shy. Ask for her help. Louise will be very pleased to provide it.