The providers of Delaware Valley Dermatology Group are privileged  to care for patients of all ages, whatever their needs. We treat the full range of diseases and disorders affecting the skin, hair and nails.

What makes our practice special is that we are committed to remaining "where the action is" in dermatology. For this reason, Dr. Saruk strongly values his affiliation with the University of Pennsylvania where he serves on the associate clinical faculty and is able to share in the academic vitality of the country's top-rated dermatology residency program.  He is a research investigator and lectures around the country on advancements in the field. In addition, he prides himself on mentoring young doctors who you are likely to encounter asking questions and taking notes in our corridors.   One recent resident doctor sent us a super thank you note.  It read, in part: "It's hard to believe how much I have learned in the last few weeks, and the way you interact with patients, office staff, and students has left a lasting impression on me.  I am so grateful to have started my third year in such a friendly + teaching focused environment.  Thank you again for teaching me so much ..."

While teaching is a big priority around here, it never takes precedence over patients' needs and wants. Medical Dermatology Wilmington DE If you would rather not have a resident in your exam room during your visit, just tell us. We have buttons on our door jambs to let our staff and students know your preference.

This is a practice with an active intellectual life that keeps us fully engaged in our field and directly benefits our patients. You'll find that we listen, and we are committed to delivering quality medical and surgical care to you, our patient, and to making your experience as pleasant as possible. Our providers offer adult and pediatric care for all conditions such as acne and warts; various rashes such as psoriasis and eczema; and common infections such as impetigo, herpes and molluscum contagiosum.  We have particular expertise in the management of patients with psoriasis and, most particularly, in the detection and treatment of skin cancer.

Speaking of which, we hope you will rely on us for that all important annual skin check. With melanoma and other skin cancers ever on the rise, it is our responsibility to help ensure that you are safe.  Contrary to what you may have heard, not every spot or mole needs to be removed, but it should be looked at least once per year, more often if there is a family history of skin cancer.  If it is truly suspicious, a biopsy is called for. If the biopsy results show no indication of cancerous changes, no further action will be recommended.  Dr. Saruk is a board-certified dermatopathologist and takes considerable professional pride in his understanding and skill  to determine the appropriate course of action.  He and his physician assistants work in tandem to ensure that you receive compassionate surgical intervention when you need it, and  a "fond-farewel-'til-next-year", when you don't.