The passage of  years, hormonal changes,  stress, chronic lack of sleep, sun exposure, alcohol and, smoking all contribute to loss of stregnth and elasticiity in our skin.  The result is loose, saggy skin and pronounced lines and crevices. It's inevitable.

Today though, just about everyone is deciding to do something about it.  Taking advantage of the tools at our disposal has become as commonplace as coloring your hair.  With wrinkle relaxers like Botox® and the lifting and plumping qualities of dermal fillers you can feel great about your appearance now, and forever.  Though they may sound scary, Injectable aesthetic products, meaning, dermal fillers and wrinkle relaxers, have an excellent saftey profile when used by skilled practitioners.  They are an important alternative to surgery, which, poses greater risks by far.   

The fact that these products, while long lasting, are not permanent offers an obvious advantage.  The aging process continues, no matter what.  With injectables, you can always tweak your treatments to ensure that you look right at every age. 

Restore Fullness with Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers are derived from naturally occurring molecules and are used to restore naturally looking contours to the lips and the mid-face.   Of course, they also are the way to address problem areas such as the lines  runnng from the nose to the mouth (the nasolabial folds), the "marionette" lines at the corners of the mouth, fine lines above the lips, and some depressed areas including, certain types of acne scarring.

We'll help you select the right product for you to help you get exactly the look you want.  You decide how much correction is needed; We want to pump up your confidence --not your face. The goal is to look like yourself, just fresher and more vibrant.

Our selection of fillers include:
Juvederm VOLUMA®
Restylane Lyft® (formerly, Perlane®)
Restylane Silk®

Look Fresh, Not Frozen, with Wrinkle Relaxers
Wrinkle relaxers like Botox®,  Xeomin®, and Dysport® address the problems caused by repeated facial movements and expressions.  Each time we us a facial muscle, a groove forms beneath the surface.  As skin ages, it loses its abiltiy to spring back into place.   These products are very effective.  And, if you are afraid of the "Hollywood" frozen face, don't worry.  Our providers will make sure that you look, to coin a phrase, "fresh, not frozen." 

Frequently Asked Questions:
Am I a candidate for injectables?  The best candidates  are physically healthy and are realistic about the outcome of treatment. Potential patients should refrain from smoking and taking anti-inflammatory drugs for at least two weeks before the procedure.  Specific contraindications to tratment will be discussed at your consultation. 

What is the recovery process like?  There is no downtime associated with injectables and patients are free to resume their daily life as soon as treatment is complete.   Some swelling and often, bruising, can be anticipated.  Both usually resolve over the next few days, but bruising may last up to a week or more.  Patients may use  Revision Vitamin K lotion (available in our office) and cold packs to speed healing.   
When will the results become apparent?  With fillers, though some slight redness and swelling will be apparent directly after treatment is complete, the results are expected to be immediate.  Wrinkle relaxers take effect over the next few days post-treatment.  
How long can I expect the results to last?  The longevity of the results will depend on the type of filler used as well as the patient’s unique facial characteristics and skin quality.   Generally, wrinkle relaxers last about three months, and dermal fillers can last about a year.  Filler touch ups every nine months are often recommended to make sure you always look great. 
What is the total cost of treatment?   The cost of an injectable varies according to choice of product and the amount of  product used.  The amount is quantified as "per syringe" for dermal fillers and "per unit" for wrinkle relaxers.   As a rule of thumb, it  takes approximately 44 units of Botox to treat both the vertical lines between the eyebrows and the "crows feet"at the corners of your eyes.  Usually, one or two syringes will take care of nasolabial folds and marionette lines.   The exact amount will depend on your specific needs.  Your cost will be determined during your cosmetic consultation with your Continnum of Care™ provider.
Earn Bonus Points and Discounts with Manurfacturer Loyalty Programs:
The manufacturers of Injectable products offer Loyalty Programs to help with the cost of their products.  Botox, Juvederm and VOLUMA are made by Allergan which sponsors the "Brilliant Distinctions" Rewards Program.    You can earn points in Brilliant Distinctions from, and for, the purchase of any of their products including Latisse®.  Dysport and the Restylane family of products are from Galderma which sponsors the Aspire Rewards ProgramWe encourage all of our injectable patients to sign up with either or both programs.  The points add up quickly and you can realize significant savings. 
We also offer which allows for interest-free payments
spread over six months.  Ask about it.