At Delaware Valley Dermatology Group, Dr. Michael Saruk and the rest of our team are ready to answer your questions about how dermal fillers in Wilmington, DE revitalize your skin. Using natural ingredients, we can reduce the appearance of sagging skin, wrinkles and fine lines.

What Are Dermal Fillers?

A dermal filler is a minimally invasive aesthetic treatment doctors use to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and restore volume to your skin. Although there isn't a proven treatment to reverse aging, a dermal filler can help reset your skin and give you a more youthful look.

Dermal fillers consist of many ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite (which is found naturally in your bones) and synthetic substances like polyalkylimide. Most of the synthetic substances doctors use are semi-permanent, which typically provide long-lasting results.

Where Can a Dermal Filler Be Used?

When Dr. Saruk and our team at Delaware Valley Dermatology Group recommend dermal fillers in Wilmington, DE, we can treat several parts of your face and body. Here is a brief rundown of areas we can treat:

  • Under-eye-area – Rejuvenates sunken eyes and dark circles
  • Chin – Reduces the appearance of fine lines from the chin to the mouth
  • Lips – Provides more volume and definition
  • Hands – Diminish veins and smooth out the back
  • Temples – Reduces hollowing
  • Forehead – Reduces frown lines and horizontal wrinkles

Dermal Filler Consultation

When you schedule your consultation, we'll evaluate your skin's needs and determine where a dermal filler will give you the best results. Our team will look over your medical history to make sure you're not at risk of an allergic reaction or a similar side effect.

However, the overall risks of you having a reaction to a dermal filler are low, and in most cases, patients only experience minor discomfort after receiving treatment. The amount of filler you need to rejuvenate your skin is specific to your needs, and we will build customized treatment options to ensure your skin returns to its natural, youthful appearance.

To learn more about how dermal fillers in Wilmington, DE can improve your facial features and more, call us today at (302) 478-8532 and our team at Delaware Valley Dermatology Group and Dr. Saruk will answer your questions about the restorative powers of a dermal filler.