Detailed contact information can make all the difference in critical circumstances.  Please make sure we have all of yours.

Nobody with an email address or a cell phone doesn't know that we are all being constantly bombarded by inconsequential messaging from everyone from the store we once made a purchase at ,to political candidates in states far away.  It's no wonder that we are all skittish about handing out our contact information. Yes, we get it. 

 At the same time, we hope that those who trust us with their health and appearance, will trust us not to abuse the information you provide to us.  Being able to reach you when we need to is critical to our relationship.  

Please provide as much contact information as you have.  And, please, let us know if phone numbers are work or home, land lines or, cell phones with texting capacity.  As you know, we send out appointment reminders often as text and phone calls.  If the provided number cannot receive a text and we don't know that ... well, you can see where that is problematic.  Also, phone tag is always an issue. Multiple points of contact help us to get in touch in a timely fashion.

Please know that we limit our contact with you to things that matter: office closings; emergency rescheduling; appointment reminders; specifics about your care: activities in the office park that you need to know about; special announcements about the practice, etc.. -- And always know that your privacy is at the top of mind.  As healthcare providers we are under special HIPAA constraints that we take very seriously. We choose the communication modality and message best suited to the situation.

All these are among the reasons we have introduced our new patient portal "My Patient Visit".  To access the portal you will need to be sent an invitation with an individualized code. These are delivered via email or text.  Make sure we have these for you. We strongly encourage you to use the portal for any communication that includes personal information. The "contactus" form on our website should be reserved for inquiries of a general nature only.  It does not provide secure messaging.  Established patients may use the "contactus" form to request an invitation.  

So, help us to communicate with you when, and only when, we need to by providing complete and detailed contact information.  Thanks so much.  Let's keep in touch.