It’s difficult enough to deal with an acne breakout, but sometimes you’re left with acne scars. Luckily, acne scars can be treated, and you can have clear, smooth skin once again. Dr. Michael Saruk, your dermatologist at Delaware Valley Dermatology Group in Wilmington, DE, can explain what acne scar treatments are available and how they can help you get the skin that you’ve always wanted.

Treating Acne Scars

If you’ve been left with acne scars after a particularly bad breakout, it can feel really difficult to be comfortable in your skin again. You can sit down with your dermatologist in Wilmington, DE, and talk about forms of acne scar treatment. Before scar treatment can start, you’ll have to make sure that your skin is clear of any current acne and you may have to discuss getting off of certain acne medications before starting scar treatment.

Your dermatologist will first take a look at your acne scars and determine what kind of scars they are and how severe your scarring is. From there, they can start discussing forms of treatment with you. There are a few different forms of treatment they may recommend, such as alpha-hydroxy acids. This helps treat any type of acne scar and helps exfoliate the outermost layer of the skin. Lactic acid may also help with acne scars and this can come in a variety of forms. You could get a peel, serum, or ointment to help treat your acne scars with lactic acid.

Other forms of acne scar treatment include retinoids, salicylic acid, and even sunscreen. These help protect your skin from any future damage as well.

Contact Your Dermatologist Today!

Say goodbye to your acne scars! Contact Dr. Saruk, your dermatologist at Delaware Valley Dermatology Group in Wilmington, DE, to learn more about acne scar treatment and how you can get the smooth skin that you deserve. Call us today at (302) 478-8532.