Botox from your dermatologist in Wilmington, DE, can help you look your best.

Are you happy with your appearance, or is your face beginning to make you look older than you are? If you notice fine lines and wrinkles on your face, you are not alone. In fact, as you age, your skin loses its ability to retain moisture and elasticity. Common expressions like smiling or frowning can cause fine lines and wrinkles to form. There is a great way to fight fine lines and wrinkles called Botox!

Dr. Michael Saruk of Delaware Valley Dermatology Group in Wilmington, DE, offers comprehensive dermatology services, including Botox to help you look your best.

Botox is an injectable material derived from a bacterium known as Clostridium botulinum. It works by temporarily weakening, or “freezing” the nerves and muscles around the injection site. Botox smoothes out your skin, making it look younger and more vibrant.

Botox is safe and effective at minimizing the appearance of:

  • Furrows, which are the deep lines running across your forehead
  • Glabella, which are the deep vertical lines between your eyebrows
  • Crow’s feet, which are the fine or deep lines radiating outward at the corners of your eyes
  • Marionette lines, which are the deep vertical lines running from the corners of your mouth down to your chin

Botox treatment is quick, taking only a few minutes. It’s also tolerated well by most people, and you can also ask for a numbing spray to be applied beforehand if you wish.

You will see optimal results within 2 to 4 days after Botox is administered. Maintenance treatments are also recommended every 4 to 6 months, to keep you looking your best.

You can fight fine lines and wrinkles with Botox! To find out more about the benefits of Botox and how it can help you look your best, call Dr. Saruk of Delaware Valley Dermatology Group in Wilmington, DE, at (302) 478-8532. Get started on looking younger by calling today!