Apparently, we have a great reputation among Miss Delaware USA contestants.  Who knew? 
At least that what's we were told by this year's title holder, Katie Guevarra.  Katie came to us shortly after her big win and asked for help getting and keeping her gorgeous glow during her reign and in preparation for competing in the national event coming up this November.  We're so excited for her that we are quite literally counting down the hours, minutes and seconds until her big moment on November 9th. (You may have noticed our countdown clock.)  Why all the fuss? Well, since she began consulting with our director of aesthetics, Raquel Valdez, RN BSN, we've gotten the chance to get to know her and the simple fact is we like her-- a whole lot. 

She's beautiful, obviously.  But she is also really, really smart, articulate, exactingly professional, totally focused, thoughtful and -- wait for it-- yes, super duper nice.  This is a woman you've just gotta admire and root for.

Katie has worked hard for this and we want it for her.  So, we're cheering her on and counting down the days with fingers and toes crossed.  Katie, go out there and bring that fancy new Miss USA crown home to Delaware.   We're so proud and happy to be on your team.