It doesn’t matter how good your skincare products are, if they’re not the right ones for your type of skin or you’re not using them properly, then you won’t see any benefit. That’s why developing a good skincare routine is crucial. Dr. Michael Saruk of the Delaware Valley Dermatology Group LLC is a board-certified dermatologist based in Wilmington, DL. He knows the importance of developing a good skincare routine, and he can help you create one too.

Tips on the Best Skincare Routine

The most important thing about using a skincare routine is getting things in the right order. This is what will ensure that you make the most of your skincare products and will leave your face looking healthy and glowing.

  • Cleanse your face: You should do this at the beginning of the day and in the evening before you go to bed. If you wear makeup, remove that first. Use a mild cleanser to suit your skin type. Make sure you rub the cleanser all over your face and rinse well with warm water. Pat your face dry with a soft towel. You can use an exfoliating cleanser once or twice per week, depending on your skin type.
  • Use a toner: If you use a toner, apply it after cleansing. A few drops on a sponge or cotton pad is enough to tone your whole face.
  • Add serum: If you use a serum to promote anti-aging and reduce the signs of wrinkles, it should be applied in the morning after you have toned your skin. An antioxidant serum will help to protect your skin from free radicals. If you use a hydrating serum, the best time to apply it is at night.
  • Apply acne treatment: If you are using an acne treatment, the best time to apply it is during your evening skincare routine. This will allow your body to make the most of it while it is in repair mode overnight.
  • Apply moisturizer: As well as rehydrating your skin, moisturizer also locks in the other protective layers you have added. In the morning, use a lightweight moisturizer. At night you can use a heavier cream.
  • Apply sunscreen: If your moisturizer does not have sunscreen factored in, you should add one that has an SPF of at least 15. Remember, this is the most important part of your skincare routine.

Our Wilmington Office Can Help

If you need advice about your skincare routine, call Dr. Saruk at (302) 478-8532. You can also find out more about other dermatology services in Wilmington, DL.