This is a confusing time for all of us as we try to make prudent choices to safeguard wellbeing and limit the spread of the Corona virus.  We would like everyone to know that we are not winging this.  We are taking our lead from the Delaware Medical Society working in conjunction with the Delaware Department of Public Health (DPH).  For the past two weeks, our chief operating officer has been on a nightly (now reduced to weekly) conference call for healthcare providers and office managers. The information gleaned from those calls has been used to set policy in this office.
  Some have wondered if we should be open at all.  The answer is yes. Our patients still need us and guidance from DPH indicates that we should remain available in person, or telephonically, as appropriate.  Please, use good judgement in deciding whether or not your needs can be met via Skype, FaceTime, or over the phone. Call us if you are unsure. Also know that while the most stringent HIPAA requirements (having to do with the highest levels of electronic encryption) have been relaxed during this crisis, we always have your privacy in mind and all electronic visits will be conducted in private. 

 We will post updates as appropriate.  Hang in there, folks.   

Be Well. Stay Safe!