Find out how this simple injectable could take years off your appearance.

Botox TreatmentIt’s never too late to give your appearance a nice refresher or boost. Maybe you’ve been noticing certain lines and wrinkle creeping in and you want to nip the problem in the bud now. If so, our Wilmington, DE dermatologist Dr. Michael Saruk has you covered. There is a simple way to get younger-looking skin and it only takes a couple of minutes.

What is Botox?

Most people have heard about Botox, a treatment that uses a purified form of a neurotoxin that temporarily stops certain muscles of the face from contracting. Since the muscles don’t contract it smooths away those lines and wrinkles that you notice when you make facial expressions such as smiling or squinting.

Botox is great for targeting these dynamic wrinkles and can reduce the appearance of crow’s feet, frown lines, forehead wrinkles, and lines around the mouth and chin. Take a moment to smile in the mirror: the wrinkles that appear when you smile are the ones that Botox can address.

What are the benefits of getting Botox?

If you are interested in getting cosmetic dermatology in Wilmington, DE, then chances are good that you are considering whether Botox might be able to give you the results you want. Here are just some of the benefits you’ll enjoy if you choose to get Botox,

It’s quick

Most people lead busy lives and don’t have time to sit in the office for hours, particularly for elective treatments; however, it only takes a few minutes for our Wilmington, DE, skin doctor to administer Botox so you’ll be in and out of the office.

It’s relatively painless

While the idea of needles may not make anyone too happy, these aren’t the needles that you might recognize from getting the flu shot each year or from giving blood. These needles are ultra-thin, so they are barely noticeable when they are administered (you may experience a slight but temporary stinging sensation).

No recovery time

There is no downtime with this treatment. You can even go right back to your normal routine immediately after. Side effects are very minimal and include some redness or tenderness near the injection sites, but they normally subside within a few hours.

You can keep getting Botox

Do you love your new look? If so, you may be a little disappointed to hear that results only last about between three and six months; however, not to worry. You can continue to get maintenance treatments every so often to keep your appearance looking fresh.

Are you interested in getting Botox to improve your skin and boost your confidence? If so, let our Wilmington, DE, skin care specialist help you meet your goals. Call Delaware Valley Dermatology Group today and let us know that you are interested in getting Botox treatment.