What your dermatologist in Wilmington wants you to knowGood Skin Health

Your skin can either help you look younger, or older, depending on how well you care for it. Proper skin care is a must to keep you looking great and feeling great. Your skin is important to your appearance, but it also performs the important function of protecting your vital organs. So, how do you properly care for your skin? Dr. Michael Saruk at Delaware Valley Dermatology Group in Wilmington, DE, wants to share what it takes to keep your skin looking beautiful.

The steps you take every day provide the foundation for beautiful, healthy skin. Just remember to do this every day:

  • Cleanse your skin using mild products like foaming cleansers or gels. Avoid soaps which can dry your skin.
  • Pat your skin gently, leaving a small amount of moisture on the surface of your skin.
  • Use alcohol-free toners to help balance the pH of your skin.
  • Use a moisturizer with at least SPF 15 sunscreen every day.

If you live where the climate is hot and sunny, you need to add a few simple steps to your daily routine:

  • Apply a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 when you are outside.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This helps to keep your skin from becoming dry.
  • Protect your vulnerable areas by wearing hats, glasses, and other clothing.

If you live where the climate is cold, add these additional steps to your routine:

  • Use thick, alcohol-free cream or lotion moisturizer at least once each day.
  • Avoid long, hot baths or showers because it can dry your skin.

You should also visit your dermatologist regularly to check for moles, abnormal tissue growths, and precancerous or cancerous lesions, especially if you have a family history of skin cancer. Your dermatologist is an expert at treating specific skin conditions including rashes, acne, rosacea, psoriasis, and other skin conditions.

Properly caring for your skin doesn’t have to be a complicated ritual, and it is well worth your time. You deserve to look your best, and it all begins with proper skin care. For more information about skin care and other dermatology services, call Dr. Saruk at Delaware Valley Dermatology Group in Wilmington, DE, today!