Last Friday, Jason Saul, PA-C and I spent the day talking to staff at Longwood Gardens about how best to care for skin that is exposed to the elements all day every day.  Of course, not everyone who works at Longwood works out of doors, but even they had questions and concerns we were happy to be able to address. 

Overall, we were pleased to note how much many staffers already knew.  It has generally been our experience that people who work out of doors are under the impression that they have built up some immunity to sun radiation and no longer need to worry about it.  Of course, nothing could be further from the truth and, fortunately, the Longwood folks were already cued into that and were just wanting to know how to go the extra mile to protect themselves.  Wind and water exposure also pose problems and we talked about that, too.  

Thank you to Madelyn Underwood, Director of Human Resources at Longwood, for inviting and taking such good care of this while we were there.  It was so successful, we may make this an annual event.  

I must apologize for not taking any pictures.  (At Longwood that's almost a sin.) I got so involved in a conversation with folks that I didn't have the chance.  But since a visit is worth a thousand pictures, I suggest you visit and plan a time to go and see for yourself.  Don't forget to bring a hat, lip balm and, naturally, sunscreen.