Say goodbye to your fine lines and wrinkles with BOTOX. Eliminate frown lines, crow’s feet, wrinkles and more without surgery. BOTOX botoxmakes it possible to achieve smoother skin and a more youthful appearance with no surgery and no recovery time. In Wilmington, DE, BOTOX treatments are administered by Dr. Michael Saruk at Delaware Valley Dermatology Group. Dr. Saruk can help you decide if BOTOX treatments are right for you.

BOTOX Injections

BOTOX treatments are injected into the facial muscles in areas where lines and wrinkles have formed. BOTOX works by relaxing the muscles, which softens the appearance of existing lines and certain types of wrinkles. Plus, new lines and wrinkles are also prevented from developing for as long as the muscles remain relaxed. The results of BOTOX injections only improve in the days following treatment, with maximum results readily noticeable within fourteen days. Ask your dermatologist in Wilmington if BOTOX can work for you.

Benefits of BOTOX

BOTOX cosmetic treatment offers multiple benefits, all without surgery. It can give you a more youthful appearance by smoothing lines and wrinkles on the face. BOTOX treatments can even help prevent new lines from forming on the skin. BOTOX treatments can also diminish the persistent look of being tired, or worried that can develop over time with age. There are many ways BOTOX can help you look more youthful. Some of the results BOTOX can achieve include:

  • Eliminating frown lines between the eyes
  • Eliminating crow’s feet around the eyes
  • Smoothing forehead lines
  • Smoothing wrinkles around the mouth

BOTOX injections can help you achieve a more youthful appearance. You’ll finally be able to say goodbye to your fine lines and wrinkles. For BOTOX in the Wilmington area, schedule a consultation with Dr. Saruk by contacting Delaware Valley Dermatology Group at (302) 478-8532.