Find out what our Wilmington dermatologist could do for you!cosmetic services

Our Wilmington, DE, skin doctor, Dr. Michael Saruk, is dedicated to giving you the appearance you want that age, sun damage and other issues may have altered over time. Discover some of the popular treatment options we offer and how they could benefit you:

Laser Hair Removal

If unwanted hair is making you feel self-conscious but you are tired of plucking, waxing and shaving then say goodbye to hair and say hello to laser hair removal. Through the course of several laser treatments, this handheld laser can target, heat up and destroy hair follicles. You won’t have to worry about ingrown hairs, irritation or stumble anymore.

Laser hair removal can be used on your bikini line, chest, back, legs, underarms, face and just about anywhere that dark, unwanted hair has appeared. While different types of lasers can tackle different hair colors, thick dark hair tends to respond best to this treatment.

Dermal Fillers

As we age we notice that certain areas of our face begin to hollow out, sag, crease and wrinkle. While for some it is a rite of passage there are others who don’t want these lines and wrinkles. If this is the case, it’s time to talk to us about the different dermal fillers we offer and how they can plump thinning lips, fill out hollow areas, as well as improve the appearance of lines, wrinkles and superficial scars (e.g. acne scars). It’s a great way to boost skin’s volume and to get a fuller and more youthful appearance with a simple treatment that only takes a few minutes to administer.


Botox uses a purified form of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum that, when injected into the muscles of the face through a series of thin needles, can temporarily reduce muscle contractions and smooth away crow’s feet, frown lines and forehead wrinkles. If you are looking for a painless, fast and easy way to reduce the signs of aging, then Botox may be right for you.

If you are ready to learn more about getting cosmetic dermatology in Wilmington, DE, it’s time to call Delaware Valley Dermatology Group to schedule an appointment. Let’s talk about what we can do to boost your appearance.