We have been silent for months, but not because there is nothing going on. Quite the contrary, we are adding services, hiring new staff and planning a mini-renovation that will enable us to make better use of our space. Currently, we are in mid-project. Progress is slower than we would like, but at least, now, finally, we are starting to see some.
Contrary to popular opinion, dermatologists, don't hate the sun. We just show it some respect. One of the changes we are most looking forward to is the addition of top-down window shades that will finally allow us to bring some daylight into our exam rooms without compromising our patients' privacy one bit. Such a small thing, but I think it will be great for our staff who have grown needlessly accustomed to working in a windowless environment. In winter, we arrive before daytime and leave in the dark. It's a bit mole-like even for we diligent sunscreen wearers. So, for us, this is big news and we look forward to seeing the daylight and the end of this project.