We had a beautiful day for another productive and very emotional event.  So sad to see the teams that came out in support of someone they loved and lost to melanoma.  There were lots of tears and hugs, but  we have to take some encouragement from knowing that so many have given so much towards finding a way to beat this terrible disease.   We hope to see you all again next year. 

You should know that we truly are diagnosing more and melanoma every day.  It is alarming.  Nothing gives us more satisfaction than to be able to offer a cure.  At the same time, there is no more awful day than those occasions when a lesion has been ignored for too long and the patient presents in our office for the first time with an advanced melanoma.  We can't urge you enough --- please get an annual full-body skin check and for goodness sake, protect yourself at all times from UV exposure.  Remember the three "S's":  Sunscreen, Sunglasses, and Shade-seeking.