As an expert Mohs Surgeon, Dr. Saruk has long observed that some skin surgeons mis/overuse the Mohs technique.  However, he has also said that Mohs is the treatment of choice to remove cancers on the face.  Apparently,  this has now been codified -- 
Guidelines: Mohs Is the Sole Recommended Treatment For High Risk Facial Skin Cancers.

MedPage Today (6/8, Boyles) reported, “Mohs micrographic surgery is the only recommended treatment option for high-risk facial nonmelanoma skin cancers, according to new guidelines” published in JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery. Investigators from the University of Virginia looked at “data on the removal of close to 500 facial lesions” and “concluded that margins of at least 8-mm are needed to excise 95% of basal cell carcinoma (BCCA) lesion using conventional surgical excision and a 13.25-mm margin would be required to remove 95% of high-risk squamous cell carcinomas (SCCA).” The researchers “added that, owing to the variability in margins found among high-risk nonmelanoma skin cancers as well as the relatively large margins needed to completely excise 95% of these lesions, ‘we continue to recommend the referral of high-risk cases for Mohs micrographic  surgery."