If you've been paying attention lately, you'll know, It's all over the news:
Daily Sunscreen Use May Slow Signs Of Aging.

In continuing coverage, NBC Nightly News (6/4, story 6, 2:35, Williams) reported that “it turns out doctors now say the best anti-aging products appear to be sunscreen.

The CBS Evening News (6/4, story 10, 0:25, Pelley) reported, “You know that sunscreen can help prevent skin cancer, but now researchers in Australia say it can also prevent wrinkles if you use it every day.”

The Los Angeles Times (6/4, Hubbard) “All the Rage” blog reported, “Scientists from the Queensland Institute of Medical Research and other institutions divided 903 Australians 55 years old and younger into groups who used sunscreen daily – rubbing it on face, neck, arms and hands – and those who used sunscreen when they felt they needed it.” The study, which was published June 4 in the Annals of Internal Medicine, found that “after 4½ years, members of the first group were 24% less likely to show signs of increased aging.”

     BTW, this Anthelios 50 primer is one of my new favorites. It's thick and creamy and really fills in all those fine lines and imperfection, giving you smooth, perfected skin. Then, you can decide whether or not to add a foundation product. You may not need one. Either way, you're covered in terms of sun protection. That make it a great product for summer. Get it on-line or in pharmacies. (Yes, I have a product for every situation, but, if the plan is to be well and look great -- and you know it is -- then, really you need to.) 

    For primer, serious coverage, and protection we recommed Jane Iredale's Smooth Affair Primer, followed by their latest innovation, Glow Time BB Cream. wth broad-spectrum protection SPF 25.  When it comes to makeup we don't recommend or sell anything other than Jane.  She' the best .  You can stop in and pick up Jane Iredale items without an appointment.