Pardon the expression, but "it's not for nothin" that around here we wear Jane Iredale pharmaceutical grade mineral makeup on our lips as well as our faces: In this week's news:

Study Co-Author Urges FDA To Review Carcinogen In Lipstick.

USA Today (5/2, Koch) reports that researchers at the University of California-Berkeley's School of Public Health tested "32 commonly sold lipsticks and lip glosses" and found that they "contain lead, cadmium, chromium, aluminum and five other metals - some at potentially toxic levels." The study notes that whereas the "average user applies lipstick 2.3 times daily and ingests 24 milligrams each day," a heavy user of lipstick "applies it as many as 14 times and ingests an average of 83 milligrams." It is the "'levels that matter,' says co-author S. Katharine Hammond, professor of environmental health. 'This study is saying, FDA, wake up and pay attention,' she says." The study was "partly funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Education Research Center."

The San Jose Mercury News (5/2, Kleffman) also covers the study, which is published in the May 2 issue of the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.