Ask yourself, what possible benefit derives to physicians from denouncing indoor tanning? The newly formed American Suntanning Association would like you to believe that we have singled them out for unfair treatment. You can read below the first paragraphs of their introductory press release.

Please know when you are being manipulated by a trade organization, their PR people (Shame on them!) and any press that may choose to run their material out of a misguided sense of providing "balanced" information. You can't peddle cancer and expect those of us who have to deliver the bad news to dying people, to stand by and let you do it. Melanoma rates continue to increase. Dr. Saruk is shocked and saddened by how much more he is diagnosing today than he did just a short time ago. Make no mistake-- melanoma is deadly and tanning is often addictive.

And yes, we all need vitamin D, but don't let anyone convince you that indoor tanning is the answer. Dr. Saruk strongly recommends the use of Vitamin D supplements, which are inexpensive compared to the costs of tanning and widely available. We'll be happy to discuss it with you at your next visit.
Here's the start of the press release. (We only share the first two paragraphs, because we won't be responsible for disseminating the untruths that appear in the balance of their release.)


14,000 Small Businesses to Combat Myths, Promote Moderate UV Exposure, Launch Web Site

NEW YORK (Dec. 18, 2012) - Today, a new coalition led by the United States largest professional sunbed centers announced the formation of the American Suntanning Association (ASA) as a values-based organization dedicated to increasing public awareness about the facts associated with moderate ultraviolet (UV) exposure and spray-on tanning, correcting misinformation about sunlight and sunbeds while raising the professional standards in American sun tanning centers.

“It is time to have a higher-level discussion about UV light from the sun and from sunbeds,” said Bart Bonn, ASA board president and owner of Ashley Lynn’s Tanning based in Omaha. “The ASA is going to be a constructive party in that discussion, demanding a consumer-first conversation differentiating proper sun care from blatant overstatements about the risks of UV exposure.”