January 2012  Update

Since everybody's complexion needs a little help mid-winter, we will be running a special on the VI Peel in February.  Our VI Peel is usually $365.00, but in February we will make it available to you for $275.00.  Call now to book your  February appointment because quantities are limited at this price.   

Hard to believe the month is nearly over and it feels as if it just began.  Administratively, we have been preoccupied with preparation for the swithchover from paper charts to electronic health records (EHR) -- a much more complicated and challenging endeavor than anyone, including we, would have imagined.  Nonetheless, plans are proceeding apace and we will start feeling the changes at the end of the month.  It will be awhile before we are all acclimated to the new way of doing things, so please bear with us.  It's like lots of things in medicine;  not so great when you're going through it, but so worth it in the end. Also, EHR will require more hands, so we have hired three fresh new faces.  Please welcome, Mallorie Toulson, Shara Smith and Cassandra Fonseca.  They're great hires and we're delighted to have them join us.  

On other fronts:  We're very pleased to being joing the Delaware Today family.  Look for us beginning in the February issue, just out this week. Tell us what you think of the ad.  We love to hear from you.  Speaking of which, you have told us what you thought of our medical assistants wearing white and in response to your negative thoughts on the subject, the staff will soon be wearing color.  They're so excited, they are actually choosing different shades for fall/winter and and spring/summer.  I'm just encouraging them to please make sure they don't clash with our great new decor.  We look better and better every week and are very proud to be able to welcome you to our fresh and pretty offices.  Never a dull moment.  More next month.