What Makes Mohs Surgery Special?

Skin cancer can affect just about anyone, although there are certain factors that can make you more you more likely to develop the condition, it's typically linked to overexposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. It can be potentially very dangerous, even deadly, but skin cancer is also highly treatable with early enough treatment, and Mohs surgery is just one such treatment, although a specialized one. You can learn more about Mohs surgery by reading on, but to learn much more you can reach out to your local Wilmington, DE, skin experts of the Delaware Valley Dermatology Group, with Dr. Michael Saruk.

Why It's Usually Recommended

Your skin health professional will usually recommend Mohs surgery if the area to be treated is either aggressive, large, or both. Or if it's located in an area of the body where there is not a lot of tissue beneath, such as your eyelids, nose, ears, scalp, genitals, hands, and feet. It's also often performed on areas that have been treated before by other means and have had the cancer return.

What Is Mohs Surgery?

Mohs surgery is, in essence, a type of surgery that is used to treat skin cancer, but what makes it special is that its approach is meant to be very precise.

The technique involves making small incisions and removing the affected area layer by thin layer. Each of these is examined under a microscope by your surgeon during the procedure so that only the skin with cancer cells is removed. This results in a very high cure rate and reduced scarring, allowing you to keep as much of your skin as possible, something extremely important when treating the areas mentioned above.

Mohs Surgery in Wilmington, DE

Although it's your doctor who will tell you if Mohs surgery is right for you and your specific needs, if you believe you may benefit from the procedure or are seeking preventative help and live in or near the Wilmington, DE, area, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Saruk of the Delaware Valley Dermatology Group by dialing (302) 478-8532.