What Is Laser Resurfacing?

Your dermatologist has at their disposal a wide variety of treatments that can help improve the appearance of your skin and one of the most popular ones is laser resurfacing. The procedure involves employing pulsating beams of light that can tap into your skin's own regenerating properties, it can sound like science fiction but this technology has been around for years, yet has seen many improvements in all that time. Some of the basics about laser resurfacing are covered below, but you can learn more by reaching out to Dr. Michael Saruk Delaware Valley Dermatology Group in Wilmington, DE.

How It Works

With age, collagen production begins to slow and skin doesn't spring back or heal on its own like it used to. Like other dermatological procedures that work in very similar ways, laser resurfacing removes damaged outer layers of skin and stimulates collagen production which allows the skin to heal itself.

The treatment can help treat sun-damaged skin, it can treat acne, and chickenpox scars, as well as liver spots, and age spots. It can help treat fine lines and wrinkles, but deep wrinkles and sagging require other types of cosmetic procedures.

What to Expect

Everything begins with a consultation where you can discuss with your dermatologist what your expectations are from the treatment and they can tell you if laser resurfacing or another cosmetic treatment is the best best for your needs.

The procedure itself is performed on an outpatient basis, typically right in your dermatologist's office with only local anesthetic usually required.

Ointment and dressing are applied to the skin after the treatment which should be kept on as recommended by your doctor, but it could take a few days. The skin may look and feel as though it has been sunburned but it should take just a few weeks for it to heal completely.

Laser Resurfacing in Wilmington, DE

If you are interested in laser resurfacing and live in or near the Wilmington, DE, area you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Saruk of Delaware Valley Dermatology Group by dialing (302) 478-8532.