Facial rejuvenation is the process of helping a person look younger and more beautiful. Some procedures offered by Dr. Michael Saruk of the Delaware Valley Dermatology Group in Wilmington, DE are Botox, dermal fillers, and full-face resurfacing.


Botox is an injectable medication that can help reduce wrinkles on your face. It works by relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles so you look younger and can be used on multiple face areas, including the upper lip, nasal areas, and the forehead.

However, before getting Botox, it's essential to understand how it works. Botox blocks the nerve signals that are sent to specific muscles. This keeps them from moving and prevents the re-appearance of lines and wrinkles. After your treatment, you can return to your normal activities. However, you should avoid rubbing the area, as this could aggravate the side effects. Depending on the area of the face you want to target, you may need to undergo several injections.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers can help you achieve a younger, healthier look without surgery. They can smooth out facial lines and wrinkles and add volume to thin lips and cheeks. They are also used to treat dark circles under the eyes.

As you age, collagen and hyaluronic acid are naturally depleted, which results in hollowed cheeks, fine lines, and sagging skin. By injecting a hyaluronic acid gel, you can restore lost facial volume. Some facial fillers, such as Restylane Defyne, can also correct asymmetry, deep wrinkles, and moderate to severe facial folds.

The best way to start a facial rejuvenation treatment in Wilmington, DE, is to speak to Dr. Saruk. He will develop a custom treatment plan to fit your needs. 

Full Face Resurfacing

A full-face resurfacing is a great way to achieve a more youthful visage. This can be achieved with the help of several technologies. The most commonly performed procedure is a CO2 laser skin resurfacing, which can be done under local anesthesia in Dr. Saruk's office.

It's also a valuable adjunct to other facial surgical procedures. In addition, more complex approaches involve removing scars, reducing prominence, and shaving the neck. While it's not for everyone, full-face resurfacing is an excellent opportunity to correct cosmetic and medical anomalies. A thorough assessment will ensure that you achieve the best results.

During your consultation, Dr. Saruk will discuss your options, allowing you to make an informed decision. Call the Delaware Valley Dermatology Group at (302) 478-8532 to schedule your facial rejuvenation consultation in Wilmington, DE, with Dr. Saruk.