Do you wish for a way to turn back the clock on your skin and achieve a more youthful appearance? At Delaware Valley Dermatology Group in Wilmington, DE, we might not be able to turn back time, but we can provide you with a non-surgical way to fight fine lines and wrinkles, plump up your lips and cheeks, or establish a fuller face. We offer a few options in our office. One of the favorable cosmetic services working to address mid-face volume loss, contour the chin, and enhance your facial profile, is Juvederm Voluma. Voluma can restore low levels of hyaluronic acid to deliver smooth, subtle, yet noticeable results when skin loses elasticity and moisture.

The Benefits of Voluma

Dr. Saruk at Delaware Valley Dermatology Group can deeply assess your skin's condition during a visit to our office to determine if you're a candidate for Voluma in Wilmington, DE. The most-reported benefit of Voluma is that it gives patients a natural-looking facelift without the need for surgery. When you remove fine lines and wrinkles from your face, you may feel as confident and rejuvenated as your skin. Patients who receive Voluma also report fast-acting and long-lasting results. It's a well-known anti-aging treatment that helps produce collagen naturally and stimulates collagen production to revive your skin and help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Dr. Saruk takes the time to understand the needs of every patient that walks through our door. During a consultation, Dr. Saruk can discuss the best services available to correct cosmetic concerns and determine your candidacy for Voluma in Wilmington, DE. Voluma is safe and effective, and there's no minimal preparation before the procedure or downtime with recovery. Voluma is best suited for people over age 21 who desire a non-invasive anti-aging treatment. Call (302) 478-8532 for more information on Voluma in Wilmington, DE, or if you want to schedule an appointment with Dr. Saruk at Delaware Valley Dermatology Group.