Whether you are concerned about the health or the appearance of your skin, there are many reasons why you may want to search for a cosmetic dermatologist. These skin experts can guide you to the best treatment options tailored to your own specific needs. Finding a cosmetic dermatologist in Wilmington, DE, isn't a difficult task, for help you can reach out directly to Dr. Michael Saruk of Delaware Valley Dermatology Group.


A cosmetic dermatologist can be your greatest ally if you are struggling with acne. Navigating the myths surrounding acne treatment and the over-the-counter options can be difficult for anyone. Your doctor can provide a variety of treatments that improve the way your skin looks and treats your acne directly.

Skin Conditions

Both the appearance and the health of your skin are very important as one often influences the other. If you are experiencing skin symptoms like itchiness or irritation your cosmetic dermatologist should be able to help. They can diagnose and treat the underlying skin condition that may be affecting you. Skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis, for example, are common skin issues.

Signs of Aging

Signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles can be treated by your cosmetic dermatologist by using treatments such as creams and serums, injectables, and peels, just to name a few. You can't completely reverse the effects of age, but you'd be surprised by how much can be done.

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer can be dangerous and is the most common type of cancer in the United States, but it is also highly treatable if caught early enough. Your dermatologist can examine your skin and diagnose any troubling signs of cancer and treat them before they become a serious problem.

Cosmetic Dermatologist in Wilmington, DE

If you are searching for a cosmetic dermatologist in Wilmington, DE, you can dial (302) 478-8532 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Saruk of Delaware Valley Dermatology Group.