Work with Dr. Michael Saruk of the Delaware Valley Dermatology Group in Wilmington, DE if you want your Mohs surgery to be handled expertly.

The Significance of Mohs Surgery

Skin cancer is a threat to many Americans.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, one in five Americans will grapple with this disease at some point. The statistics also say that it is the most common type of cancer in the country.

Receiving the news that you have skin cancer is devastating, but it’s important to remember that you can fight it. If you have that disease, you should look into Mohs surgery as a potential form of treatment.

Mohs surgery involves the doctor removing several layers of your skin. They will remove thin layers of skin and examine each one carefully. The doctor will keep examining the layers until they no longer find any traces of cancer.

This type of surgery is performed to achieve two main goals.

First, the doctor wants to ensure that all of the cancer is removed. Mohs surgery is good for that and that’s why it has an exceptionally high success rate when used to treat basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas.

Mohs surgery is also often recommended because it allows the doctor to remove all of the cancerous cells without damaging healthy tissue. The procedure also results in minimal scarring.

Consult with Dr. Saruk if you’re interested in Mohs surgery.

Is Mohs Surgery an Option for Me?

If you have skin cancer, you should check if Mohs surgery is an option for you. The high cure rate of this procedure makes it a very appealing treatment option.

So, are you a candidate for this type of surgery?

Doctors typically recommend Mohs surgery for patients who have either basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas. It is very helpful if you are dealing with an aggressive form of those aforementioned cancers. Mohs surgery has also proven to be effective against cancers that returned after treatment.

The cancer must be clustered together for Mohs surgery to be effective against it. You may need a different form of treatment if your cancer cells do not present that way.

Melanomas can be treated using Mohs surgery. However, it will only work against certain types of melanomas. Ask your doctor if Mohs surgery can be used on your skin cancer.

Call (302) 478-8532 to schedule a Mohs surgery consultation with Dr. Saruk of the Delaware Valley Dermatology Group in Wilmington, DE.