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  • Nursemaid's Elbow

    A pulled elbow (also known as nursemaid’s elbow) is a common, painful injury generally among children under four years old but occasionally older. It occurs when the outer part of the elbow becomes dislocated or slips out of its joint.

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  • Pets, Babies, and Young Children

    Pets are found in millions of American homes. If you don't already own a pet, at some point your child may ask for one. If you already own a pet, your child may want another one. So how do you decide?

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  • Playground Safety

    Each year, about 200,000 children get hurt on playground equipment with injuries serious enough to need treatment in the emergency department. About 15 children die each year from playground injuries. While many of these injuries happen on home equipment, most occur at school and public playgrounds.

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  • Pool Safety for Children

    A swimming pool can be very dangerous for children. If possible, do not put a swimming pool in your yard until your children are older than 5 years. Help protect your children from drowning by doing the following:

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  • Prescription Medicines and Your Child

    Many parents have questions about their children's prescription medicines. Labels can be hard to read and understand. But it's important to give medicines the right way for your child's health and safety.

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  • Protect Your Child From Poison

    Children can get very sick if they come in contact with medicines, household products, pesticides, chemicals, or cosmetics. This can happen at any age and can cause serious reactions. However, most children who come in contact with these things are not permanently hurt if they are treated right away.

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  • Protect Your Child…Prevent Poisoning

    Young children may put anything in their mouths. This is part of learning. Many household products can be poisonous if swallowed, if in contact with the skin or eyes, or if inhaled.

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  • Protect Your Home Against Fire…Planning Saves Lives

    Tips and ideas for fire protection.

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