How to Prepare For Your Visit


Whether you're getting ready for your first visit or your tenth, it's always important you know what you should do to prepare for your next trip to the cardiologist. After all, you want to get the most from your appointment, and that means preparing ahead of time.

Here are some things to consider before your next visit to our office:

Your Current Medications

Make a full list of all your current medications, including their name, dosage and frequency. This is important information for your cardiologist, particularly when creating a treatment plan. You should also make a list of any allergies you may have. Don't just assume you'll remember it off the top of your head. Having this information written down prior to your appointment will make the process a lot easier.

Your Doctors

It's never a bad idea to have a list of your healthcare providers available at your visit. It's important to include your doctor's names, contact information, and what conditions you are seeing them for. We may need to contact your doctors to discuss your current conditions, medications and treatments. This is done to provide you with a more thorough treatment plan.

Your Medical History

This is one of the most obvious ones, but it's necessary that we know about any preexisting health problems. This includes any surgeries (and their dates) and any major procedures or tests within the last year. Knowing your health history, we can help make a proper diagnosis and also determine the best course of action for treating your condition.

Family History

Just as your medical history is important, so is your family's health history. From siblings and parents to uncles and children, we particularly want to know if there is a family history of heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes. Knowing the health issues and illnesses of family members can help us monitor your health and prescribe preventive measures.

Any Questions You May Have

Before your appointment, you may realize you have some questions for your cardiologist. It's a good idea to jot them down so you don't forget. This appointment is about your health, and we will take time out to address your questions and concerns to make sure that you have a productive and valuable visit.

If you need to schedule your next cardiologist appointment, call our office today at (661) 323-4278 !