• 3 Reasons to Get a Regular Facial

    OVERVIEW Skincare is the best tool for looking and feeling better and regular facials by a medical aesthetician or a board-certified plastic surgeon are an essential part of that care. So if you've been on the fence about why regular professional facials matter when it comes to taking care of your skin

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  • 7 Ways to Remove Unwanted Hair

    OVERVIEW Unwanted hair is a common occurrence that can happen on the face, including the chin and upper lip, as well as the back, legs, feet, and even the tops of the toes. According to WebMD, approximately 30% of women's bodies are covered in terminal hair, i.e., the hair that exists on your head, eyebrows,

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  • Acne

    OVERVIEW Acne is the most frequent skin condition in the United States. It is characterized by pimples on the face, back, and chest. Every year, about 80% of adolescents have some form of acne and about 5% of adults experience acne. Acne is made up of two types of blemishes: Whiteheads/Blackheads, also

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  • Acne Scarring

    OVERVIEW Scars are a major challenge for skincare professionals and their patients. They can significantly change a person’s skin texture and appearance and reduce their self-esteem. Acne scars are a common side effect of acne, a skin condition that affects millions of people each year and can cause

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  • Advances in Hair Loss Treatments

    OVERVIEW Hair loss can be very frustrating. When you are coping with this condition, you might feel like you will need to invest in wigs or hide your hair under a hat all day long. But what if you could actually prevent hair loss or halt it in your tracks? This is the dream of many people who are dealing

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  • Age Spots

    OVERVIEW It is no surprise that aging is accompanied by many changes in our skin. As we age, our skin becomes thinner, looser, frailer, and more prone to the development of new skin growths. One of the common growths that accompany aging is the development of age spots. What are Age Spots? Age spots

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  • Alopecia Areata

    OVERVIEW Alopecia areata can develop suddenly over a few days or weeks. It can lead to unexplained hair loss, often in patches the sizes of coins. Today, around 6.8 million people suffer from alopecia areata in the United States. In addition, around half of them are males and white. So, what exactly

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  • Atopic Dermatitis

    OVERVIEW: Have you recently experienced dry patches of skin that are red, inflamed, and extremely itchy? You may have atopic dermatitis or eczema and require a consultation from a licensed medical professional or dermatologist. Here's everything you need to know about the causes, symptoms, and treatment

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  • Best Candidates for Dermaplaning

    OVERVIEW If your face has been looking a little dull and lackluster lately, a session of dermaplaning may be right for you. This popular cosmetic procedure is non-invasive, quick, and results in a brighter complexion, as well as smoother-looking skin. Here's what you need to know about dermaplaning,

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  • Birthmarks/Pigmented Skin

    OVERVIEW Most people have at least one birthmark, and for the majority of people, they are nothing more than a minor cosmetic concern. For some, however, their birthmark can be a source of self-consciousness or even embarrassment. What is a Birthmark? A birthmark is a mark or blemish present on the skin

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  • Body Toning Treatments

    OVERVIEW Body toning treatments are becoming increasingly popular. People are always excited to hear that there is a chance that they can handle their saggy skin, wrinkles, or aging skin with a treatment that will make their skin better than ever. These toning treatments can be done in various ways,

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  • Botulinum Toxin Therapy

    OVERVIEW: Are you experiencing unwanted wrinkles or excessive sweating? A botulinum toxin therapy session with us might be just what you need. Here's everything you need to know about botulinum toxin therapy and its use in dermatology. What is Botulinum Toxin Therapy? Botulinum toxin therapy, or Botox

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  • Caring for Your Skin in Menopause

    OVERVIEW The period after your menstrual cycle permanently stops is known as menopause. In addition to the ending of your period, many people also experience changes to their mood, hair, and skin. Treating the symptoms of menopause can help lessen the severity of the effects. If you're experiencing changes

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  • Cellulite

    OVERVIEW Cellulite is a common skin condition that affects many people. It can cause self-consciousness and insecurity, but there is no need to worry! This article will discuss what cellulite is, what causes it, and how you can treat it. What is Cellulite, and What Causes it? Cellulite is a condition

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  • Cellulite Treatments: What really works?

    OVERVIEW: Do you have cellulite on your buttocks and thighs and do not like the dimpled, cottage-cheese like appearance that it causes? Here's everything you need to know about cellulite, including how it’s caused and the various treatment options available. What is Cellulite? Cellulite is pockets

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  • Cheek Enhancement

    OVERVIEW Aging affects our body in different ways, including our cheeks. As you get older, it's not uncommon for you to see changes to your cheeks, including: loss of volume sunken-in or hollowed-out appearance A cheek enhancement may help, especially if you're unhappy with the look of your cheeks.

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