
Avoid Self Treatment For Kid’s Ingrown Nails

Young children and teenagers commonly suffer from ingrown toenails. Ingrown nails cause swelling and redness in the toes, and wearing shoes can be painful. Ingrown toenails are typically caused by cutting the toenail on a curve, which may lead the nail to grow into the skin. While it can be tempting to try to clip the ingrown section of nail away from the skin, it is best to avoid this procedure. At-home treatment of ingrown nails can aggravate the condition. It can cause serious complications, including increased pain, infections of the skin or bone, and toe deformities. Podiatrists frequently see children with complications from at-home treatment. To avoid trouble, see the podiatrist before trying to treat the nail yourself.

There are many problems that can affect toenails of all ages, including ingrown nails, fungal nails, black nails, and thickened nails, and a professional diagnosis is imperative in order to begin the correct treatment plan. A complete evaluation awaits you at Shenandoah Podiatry no matter what your foot concerns. We’ll also tell you ways to prevent future nail problems from occurring. Same day appointments in both our Blacksburg and Troutville offices are often accommodated.