
Nail and Skin Care For Your Feet

Treat Embarrassing Nail and Skin Care Problems on Your Feet

It’s one of the first things people notice about your feet: your skin and nails. If you have thick, yellow nails and scaly skin, chances are you’re self-conscious of your feet. More importantly, your feet could be tormenting you or posing a health risk.

If You Have a Foot, Skin, or Nail Problem, We Have a Solution

The skin and nails on your feet can become damaged or injured in a variety of ways. We treat the most common and frustrating conditions, giving you toes and feet you can feel proud showing off!

Here are some of the types of conditions we care for at Shenandoah Podiatry:

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s Foot is a fungal infection. You’ll know you have it if you experience burning sensation in your feet. This is amplified when you wear closed-toed shoes and socks damp from sweat.

It’s surprisingly common. Many people get athlete’s foot from sharing a public shower (such as at the gym or pool) or from walking barefoot in a damp area. It’s spread easily. Chances are, if your family member has it, you might too.

There are effective treatments for athlete’s foot. With anti-fungal medication and powders you can minimize the symptoms. Follow your doctor’s instructions very carefully so that you don’t continue to put your feet at risk.

Corns and Calluses

Corns and calluses are hardened patches of skin around your feet. Although they might seem innocent enough, they’re usually the sign of other types of foot problems, such as protruding bones, poorly fitting shoes, or misalignment.

Corns usually form on your toes while calluses form anywhere else on the foot. As tempting as it might be, never try to remove these from your feet by yourself! Always seek care from a skilled podiatrist.

Ingrown Toenails

Is your toenail growing or digging into your skin? This is more than just annoying; it’s an infection risk.

Ingrown toenails happen when you clip your toenails incorrectly. In rare occasions, you could be more prone to ingrown toenails because of the shape of your nail.

Having a podiatrist look at your ingrown toenail is crucial. Don’t try to cut it on your own and suffer through the pain. With a quick trip into Shenandoah Podiatry, you get relief and help prevent future ingrown toenails.

Nail Fungus

What if you didn’t have to live with ugly toenails? With our recommended treatments you don’t!

Nail fungus can discolor your nails and make them look short, dry, and thick. We can educate you on nail restoration options and our laser treatment for nails, to help you banish the fungus and restore your naturally beautiful nails again. Treatments are fast and easy, so you can get on with your busy day while getting the care you need.

Foot Ulcers

Foot ulcers, or breaks in the skin, are dangerous—especially for persons with diabetes. Ulcers come in a variety of severity levels, known as stages. No matter what stage your foot ulcer might be, it is vital that you see a podiatrist for care.

Ulcers that are left untreated can lead to serious infection or amputation. The earlier you treat your ulcer, the better the chances that you will make a full recovery. Talk to your podiatrist to learn more.

Plantar Warts

Warts are more common than you might think. They are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) type 1, which infects the top layer of your skin.

Warts look like large, thick calluses. They’re often painful and tender, making it difficult for you to walk. If they become severe or do not disappear after home treatments, a podiatrist can help. Some common treatment methods used include mild acids and freezing the warts.

A Skin and Nail Foot Doctor Can Help!

You should be proud of your feet! If you have any cosmetic or health concerns related to the nails and skin on your feet, contact a podiatrist right away. With our help, you can look and feel your best.

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