
Need better circulation? Try exercising!

The spring weather makes it an ideal time to go out and exercise in our Roanoke, VA community. We have plenty of areas that are excellent for running, walking, and bicycling. If you have a condition known as peripheral arterial disease (PAD), you may not think that exercise is right for you. Well, we want you to know that exercising with PAD is actually a smart move!

Exercise and Stretch for Better Circulation

This condition involves the arteries being blocked or narrowed by plaque, thereby causing parts of the body to receive an inadequate amount of nourishment. This can lead to a variety of issues, including cramping in your legs after activity, weakness or numbness in your legs, or sores that will not heal as they should.

Treatment for PAD is centered on both reducing the symptoms and slowing (or even reversing!) the progression. There are a variety of medications and surgical procedures that can be used to treat the condition. Another effective form of treatment is exercising.

Regular exercise is a wise choice for anyone, but when you have PAD it can:

  • Reduce leg pain.
  • Improve your physical endurance.
  • Reduce the risk of a stroke or heart attack.
  • Improve and maintain muscle tone.
  • Promote better circulation.
  • Decrease levels of depression and anxiety.
  • Contribute to greater overall wellness and quality of life.

If physical activity has not been a major part of your life until now, you need to be careful when you begin your exercise program. Doing “too much, too soon” can put you at risk for a serious medical situation, so start slow and gradually progress the duration and intensity of your workouts. Your best course of action is to consult with us and let our experts help plan an effective, yet safe, exercise regimen.

Whether your PAD accompanies diabetes or stems from a different issue, come see the professionals at Shenandoah Podiatry for an effective treatment plan. We have offices in both Roanoke and Blacksburg, VA to better serve you and our community. Call us at (540) 904-1458 for our Roanoke office or (540) 808-4343 for our Blacksburg office. You can also use our online form to request your appointment at either location.

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