
6 Tips for Buying Proper-Fitting Shoes

This time of year people make resolutions to start exercising, quit smoking, eat better, and lose weight. Those are all extremely admirable goals, but we have one more to offer—conduct better foot care in 2015. There are a variety of ways to do so, including washing feet daily, using moisturizer to ward off dry skin, and wearing proper-fitting shoes.

Shoes play a huge role when it comes to foot health. Shoes that fit well can help prevent the occurrence of bunions, hammertoes, calluses, and blisters. When it is time to pick up your next pair of shoes, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Don’t go shoe shopping first thing in the morning…or even second thing in the morning. You may not be aware of this, but your feet actually swell during the day. If you wait until the early evening to shop, you will not end up with shoes that are too tight.
  • Do try on both shoes. Something else you may not be aware of is the fact that one of your feet is probably larger than the other. This means that you cannot rely on the fit of one shoe to know that both work for you.
  • Don’t rely solely on the shoe size number. A size 9 athletic shoe might not fit the same as a size 9 pair of flats. Instead, put more stock in how the shoes actually fit your feet.
  • Do stretch your toes. Ensure that the toe box is roomy, otherwise you risk developing corns, calluses, and other toe issues.
  • Don’t leave less, or more, than about 1/2” space at the front of the shoe. This is the optimal spacing and should be measured when you are standing.
  • Do wear appropriate socks. Make sure you are wearing the type of socks that you will pair with the shoes, because this factor plays a role in how the shoes fit.

At Shenandoah Podiatry we understand the importance of having proper-fitting shoes. These tips will help you find a pair that works for you. When you do have problems that affect your feet, ankles, or toes, schedule an appointment with either Dr. Jennifer Keller or Dr. Marshal Gwynn and get the care you need. Call our Roanoke, VA, office at (540) 904-1458, or Blacksburg at (540) 808-4343, or schedule an appointment online today!