
Foot Care Myths

Old wives’ tales and myths like that example are fun to laugh at. We believed them growing up. “Step on a crack and you’ll break your mother’s back.” But there are other myths that are no laughing matter, especially when they involve your health. Here are four myths about foot care and the realities behind them.


Myth: My foot or ankle can’t be broken if I can walk on it.

Reality: It’s entirely possible to walk on a foot or ankle with a broken bone. But it’s not a smart idea. Walking with a broken bone can cause further damage. It is crucial to stay off an injured foot until diagnosis by a podiatrist. Until then, apply ice and elevate the foot to reduce pain.


Myth: Shoes cause bunions.

RealityBunions are most often caused by an inherited faulty mechanical structure of the foot. It is not the bunion itself that is inherited, but certain foot types make a person prone to developing a bunion. While wearing shoes that crowd the toes together can, over time, make bunions more painful, shoes themselves do not cause bunions. Although some treatments can ease the pain of bunions, only surgery can correct the deformity.


Myth: A doctor can’t fix a broken toe.

Reality: Nineteen of the 26 bones in the foot are toe bones. There are things that can be done to make a broken toe heal better and prevent problems later on, like arthritis or toe deformities. Broken toes that aren’t treated correctly can also make walking and wearing shoes difficult. A foot and ankle surgeon will x-ray the toe to learn more about the fracture. If the broken toe is out of alignment, the surgeon may have to insert a pin, screw or plate to reposition the bone.


Myth: Corns have roots.

Reality: A corn is a small build-up of skin caused by pressure or friction. Many corns result from a hammertoe deformity, where the toe knuckle rubs against the shoe. The only way to eliminate these corns is to surgically correct the hammertoe condition or wear extra depth orthopedic shoes that eliminate the pressure. Unlike a callus, a corn has a central core of hard material. But corns do not have roots. Attempting to cut off a corn or applying medicated corn pads can lead to serious infection or even amputation. A podiatrist can safely evaluate and treat corns and the conditions contributing to them.