Common Sports Injuries And How We Can Help

Find out what kind of sports injury you’re dealing with and how a podiatrist can help.

From ankle pain to pain when putting weight on your foot, there are many sports-related foot and ankle injuries that have people turning to our local New Haven, CT, podiatrists for treatment. It’s particularly important that athletes don’t just ignore their injuries (we know you want to get back to playing, but it’s important to rest first). Here are the top three foot and ankle sports injuries we treat and how we address them,

Ankle Sprains

When one or more of the ligaments in your ankle are overstretched or torn this can lead to a sprained ankle. Sprains are measured by grades, with grade I being a mild injury that only involves stretching (but no tearing) of the ligament, while grade III means there is a complete tear of one of the ligaments.

Mild ankle sprains can heal with proper rest and home care; however, if pain and swelling is severe, or you notice weakness or instability in the ankle then it’s time to see our New Haven, CT, podiatrists for treatment to prevent long-term pain and ankle instability. We may treat more moderate sprains with bracing, immobilization, special stretching and strengthening exercises and physical therapy.

Stress Fractures

All the repetitive force that’s placed on your feet when jumping or running can lead to stress fractures over time. Since you aren’t giving your muscles time to heal, this can also lead to microscopic cracks in the bones of your feet. You may be more at risk for stress fractures if you suddenly increase the intensity or duration of a workout.

Besides resting and staying off the foot, it’s a good idea to see a qualified podiatrist if you suspect that you have a fractured or broken bone in your foot. A podiatrist can provide bracing, crutches or a protective boot. We can also provide you with lifestyle changes, home care and exercise modifications.

Achilles Tendonitis

The Achilles tendon is the longest and strongest tendon in the body; however, overuse can lead to inflammation known as Achilles tendonitis. This is a problem that occurs gradually rather than from a traumatic injury. Therefore, you may notice a slight ache in the back of the heel above the heelbone that gets worse after activity.

If you experience heel pain above the heel bone that gets worse, is severe, doesn’t respond to rest and home care, or makes it impossible to get around, then it’s time to see a podiatrist.

If you are dealing with sports-related foot or ankle injuries it’s important that you have a podiatrist here in New Haven, CT, that you can turn to for immediate care. Call Affiliated Foot and Ankle Surgeons at (203) 397-0624 to schedule an evaluation.

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