Diabetic Limb Salvage

If you are living with diabetes, then you know all the well the many health complications that can arise. Diabetes, especially when left untreated or not properly controlled, can cause serious problems for many systems and organs in the body. One of the areas of the body most prone to diabetic complications are the feet. Here at Affiliated Foot and Ankle Surgeons, we educate our diabetic patients on good foot care to prevent diabetic ulcers and lower limb complications from happening in the first place.

How does diabetes affect the lower limbs?

Diabetes impacts blood sugar levels, which in turn can restrict blood flow to the legs, ankles and feet, and toes. In some people, diabetes also causes nerve damage in the feet. Nerve damage results in a loss of sensation in your feet. Unfortunately, people with diabetes are also prone to developing sores and open wounds in the feet that don’t heal or keep coming back. It’s these wounds that may require limb amputation at some point.

Diabetic-related amputations are incredibly common. In fact, according to the American Journal of Managed Care, in the US alone a person is diagnosed with diabetes every 17 seconds, and everyday 230 Americans with diabetes will have to undergo an amputation.

What is diabetic limb salvage?

Here at Affiliated Foot and Ankle Surgeons, we specialize in providing our diabetic patients with limb salving procedures and treatment options that can prevent amputation due to complications such as diabetic ulcers. We also work with our patients to create a customized treatment plan that won’t just protect the health of their limbs but also functionality and mobility, while reducing the risk for complications in the future.

Limb salvage surgery requires our team to remove damaged bone and diseased tissue from the limb without having to remove the limb entirely. This conservative procedure allows us to remove this diseased and damaged tissue and bone and then rebuild tissue and bone through artificial replacement parts and bone grafting techniques.

Those with severe foot complications due to diabetes could benefit from limb salvage and may want to speak with their podiatrist about whether a limb salvage would be a better option for them when it comes to treating ulcers and other wounds caused by uncontrolled diabetes.

Here at Affiliated Foot and Ankle Surgeons, our team of doctors are highly trained and have the unique skill sets necessary to perform a wide range of foot and ankle surgeries including limb salvage for our patients with diabetes.

Are you living with diabetes? If you are looking for a podiatrist that can provide you with customized diabetic foot plan, call Affiliated Foot and Ankle Surgeons in New Haven, CT, at (203) 397-0624.

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