Sports Medicine

Whether you are a runner, Crossfitter or professional athlete, the team at Affiliated Foot and Ankle Surgeons knows just how important it is for athletes to get specialized care and treatment when it comes to the health of their feet and ankles. After all, athletes have unique needs and Dr. Peter Blume and the team at our New Haven, CT, practice provides that personalized care to athletes. Whether you are dealing with a sports injury and need to get back in the game fast, or you’re looking for tips on how to protect the health of your feet and ankles while in the game, our team can help.

Why should you turn to a sports podiatrist?

A sports podiatrist specializes in treating a wide range of foot, ankle and lower limb injuries and conditions that may affect your ability to participate in certain activities. We can also provide our patients with different conservative and preventive strategies to help protect their feet and ankles, depending on the type of activity they are involved in. Dr. Blume and his team can analyze your feet and their structure, as well as their biomechanics.

By seeing how your feet strike the ground, we can determine where your problems are starting and why you’re dealing with the current issues that you are. By correcting poor posture and imbalances in the feet through footwear suggestions, custom orthotics and special exercises, we can help patients improve mobility and function in their feet and ankles, and lessen their chances for an injury.

Along with preventive strategies to protect your athletic feet, our sports podiatrist also knows how to diagnose and treatment a wide range of foot, ankle and lower limb injuries, diseases and disorders. We can treat everything from heel pain and arthritis to stress fractures and knee pain.

Through a physical examination, gait and biomechanical assessment, and imaging tests we can quickly determine what’s going on and how to best treat it. We offer a full range of treatment options, from simple lifestyle changes and conservative home care to more aggressive treatment options such as ultrasound technology, shockwave therapy, prescription shoe inserts, steroid injections and even surgery.

With more than 59 years of service, we are still setting the standard for podiatric care in Connecticut. Get foot and ankle care from the best. If you are an athlete in New Haven, CT, who is looking for a highly qualified podiatrist, call Affiliated Foot and Ankle Surgeons at (203) 397-0624 for a consultation.

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7:45 AM-5:00 PM


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