Dr. Peter Blume Helps To Author Guide To Closure Techniques For Open Wounds


Dr. Peter Blume, Connecticut Podiatrist, recently helped to author A Guide To Closure Techniques For Open Wounds magazine.

From the article:

Why Thorough Debridement Is Essential
Chronic wounds contain necrotic tissue, fibrin, colonized bacteria and byproducts of tissue metabolism, all of which conspire to prevent wound healing. Before making any attempt at wound reconstruction, a thorough debridement is required to convert a chronic wound into a clean acute one. One must sharply remove all non-viable tissue and this will often make a large wound even larger.
It is not uncommon for a patient to be brought back to the operating room several times for debridements before you determine that the wound is ready for closure. Failure to convert a wound into a clean wound essentially guarantees failure of any subsequent reconstruction.

In Conclusion
Protocols are changing for the treatment of chronic wounds of the foot and ankle. While offloading and local wound care remain valuable adjuncts, they are being replaced by soft tissue reconstruction. The foot and ankle surgeon’s role in this area has grown as the treatment paradigm has shifted

You can find the entire article at  Podiatry Today.

About the Author

Affiliated Foot and Ankle Surgeons

Affiliated Foot and Ankle Surgeons are foot and ankle surgeons in New Haven, Connecticut. They provide the best podiatric care to patients with foot and ankle problems. Dr. Peter Blume and Dr. Farlyn Charlot-Hicks are Connecticut's best foot and ankle surgeons. You can contact them at (203) 397-0624.

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