"I Feel Completely Cared For" - Patient Testimonial

Dr. Blume was fortunate enough to receive a letter of appreciation from one of his patients recently.

I see how busy your office gets. I hear how many phone calls come in. I see how tight the schedule seems to be – and yet I feel completely cared for and attended to. Not every medical establishment is able to do so much, so efficiently and with such quality.
And the other, more unusual thing I pick up on….you all seem to like each other. (Or you fake it really well :‐).

Of course, I have to do a special acknowledgement to Dr. Blume as he is passionate about what he does and you don’t find that everywhere. This is something you can’t develop – it is part of a person’s true character. I truly believe he loves what he does. When I tried to compliment him on this, he brought it right back to how good his team is.

You can see the letter (with personal information omitted) below.


About the Author

Affiliated Foot and Ankle Surgeons

Affiliated Foot and Ankle Surgeons are foot and ankle surgeons in New Haven, Connecticut. They provide the best podiatric care to patients with foot and ankle problems. Dr. Peter Blume and Dr. Farlyn Charlot-Hicks are Connecticut's best foot and ankle surgeons. You can contact them at (203) 397-0624.

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