New York Times: “The Hazards of Ankle Sprains”


A recent article written by Jane E Brody and published in the New York times dubbed “The Hazards of Ankle Sprains” writes

        Every day in the United States, about 28,000 people sprain an ankle. Too often the injury is dismissed as “just a sprain,” with no specific treatment and a return to full activity before it has completely healed. Fully 45 percent of all athletic injuries are ankle sprains, and players often go back into the game with little or no treatment as soon as the pain subsides.

In fact, according to the International Ankle Consortium, a global group of researchers and clinicians who study ankle injuries, 55 percent of people who sprain an ankle never seek professional treatment in the aftermath of the injury.

Yet the majority of ankle sprains are doomed to recur. That’s because they often result in a chronically unstable joint that tends to “give way,” poor balance, a distorted gait, difficulty exercising, weight gain, diminished quality of life and early arthritis. Not to mention the expense of dealing with health problems that can result from being overweight and sedentary living.

To read more follow the link to the NY Times Here. or Call Us Today: (203) 397-0624

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Affiliated Foot and Ankle Surgeons

Affiliated Foot and Ankle Surgeons are foot and ankle surgeons in New Haven, Connecticut. They provide the best podiatric care to patients with foot and ankle problems. Dr. Peter Blume and Dr. Farlyn Charlot-Hicks are Connecticut's best foot and ankle surgeons. You can contact them at (203) 397-0624.

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