
Summerwood Pediatrics - Liverpool

(315) 457-9966


At Summerwood Pediatrics, we have a strict vaccination policy that requires all patient to receive their immunizations. We strongly support the vaccine guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics(AAP) with regards to the use and timely administration of disease preventing and life saving vaccinations. Although most vaccines are mandated and required by the New York State Department of Health, we support the recommendations of the AAP and the Centers for Disease Control with regards to the use of all suggested vaccines which is intended to improve the health and welfare of the children in our practice.

As a provider of children's health care, our office is aware of the controversies surrounding immunizations. We understand parent concerns and fears regarding vaccine reactions and side effects. Please know though, current data shows no relationship between vaccines and Autism or any other developmental condition. 

Prior to the administration of each vaccine you should receive a Vaccine Information Sheet (VIS) and will be given the opportunity to discuss any concerns or questions.

Please note: Routine administration of Tylenol prior to vaccination is not recommended but can be used following vaccination for localized tenderness or irritability.

For more information, please visit these vaccination safety websites:,,,,

    Recommended Immunization Schedule

Birth 1st HBV (done while in hospital)
1 week – 2 weeks 1st HBV (if not done in hospital)
2 Months 1st Vaxelis
1st Vaxneuvance
1st Rota (oral)
 4 Months Vaxelis
2nd Vaxneuvance
2nd Rota (oral)
 6 Months Vaxelis
3rd Vaxneuvance
3rd Rota (oral)
6 Months + Yearly Influenza
12 Months 1st Proquad
1st Hep A
15 Months 4th Pentacel
4th Vaxneuvance
18 Months 2nd Hep A
24 Months Hep A (if not given at 18 months)
4 Years 2nd Proquad
5 Years Quadracel/Kinrix (if not given at 4 years)
6 Years – 11 Years Adacel (age 10yrs if child is in 5th grade going in to 6th grade)
Varivax (if not already given)
1st Menquadfi (age 11 if patient is in 6th grade going in to 7th grade)
Gardasil (HPV) (age 9 yrs)
12 Years – 17 Years 1st Menquadfi
2nd Medquadfi (age 16 if 1st was given at age 11)
Adacel (if needed)
Gardasil (HPV)
Varivax (if not already given)
18 Years – 21 Years Gardasil (HPV)
2nd Menqadfi (booster given 5yrs after the 1st)
Adacel (if needed)
2nd Adacel (booster given 5yrs after the 1st)
Trumemba (2-dose series)
Varivax (if not already given)

*NOTE: Gardasil (HPV) is a 2 dose series if completed before the age of 15. After the age of 15 it is a 3 dose series.

Please read!

CDC Vaccine Information

  • DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis) - Daptacel, Infanrix, Tripedia
  • Flu Shot (Influenza (Flu) Vaccine) - Fluzone, Fluvirin, Fluarix
  • Hep A (Hepatitis A) - Havrix, Vaqta
  • Hep B (Hepatitis B) - Engerix-B, Recombivax HB
  • Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type b) - PedvaxHIB, ActHIB, Hiberix, HibTITER
  • IPV (Polio) - Ipol
  • Meningococcal ACWY (Meningococcal ACWY Vaccines) - Menomune, Menactra, Menveo
  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) - M-M-R II
  • MMRV (Measles, Mumps, Rubella & Varicella) - ProQuad
  • Multiple Vaccines (DTaP, Hib, Polio, Or DTaP & Polio) - Pentacel, Kinrix
  • PCV (Pneumococcal Conjugate) - Vaxneuvance
  • Rotavirus (Rotavirus) - RotaTeq, Rotarix
  • TdaP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) - Boostrix, Adacel
  • Varicella (Chickenpox) - Varivax

More Vaccine Articles from the AAP

ASDs Family Handout—Vaccines (Some parents of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) may worry about a possible link between vaccines and ASDs. In fact, one recent survey said that 54% of parents of children with ASDs thought ASDs were caused by immunizations. The consensus of health professionals based on scientific research is that there is no evidence that vaccines cause ASDs. Despite these scientific data, parents continue to worry that vaccines may cause children at risk for ASDs to develop symptoms at the time many childhood vaccinations are given. Some common questions that parents have include) -

Chickenpox Vaccine, The ((Please see the related Vaccine Information Statement, The Chickenpox Vaccine: What You Need to Know)) -

Haemophilus influenzae Type b ((Please see the related Vaccine Information Statement, Haemophilus Influenzae Type b (Hib) Vaccine: What You Need to Know)) -

Hepatitis A Vaccine (VIS) (Hepatitis A is a serious liver disease. It is caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). HAV is spread from person to person through contact with the feces (stool) of people who are infected, which can easily happen if someone does not wash his or her hands properly. You can also get hepatitis A from food, water, or objects contaminated with HAV.) -

Hepatitis B Vaccine (VIS) (Hepatitis B is a serious disease that affects the liver. It is caused by the hepatitis B virus. Hepatitis B can cause mild illness lasting a few weeks, or it can lead to a serious, lifelong illness.) -

Hepatitis B Vaccine: What Parents Need to Know (Your child needs at least 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine to be fully protected. The recommended times to receive hepatitis B vaccine are) -

Hepatitis C (There are a variety of medicines available for adults with HCV infection, however none of them have been approved for use in children. Vitamin supplements may be prescribed, and many infected infants are given phenobarbital, a drug used to control seizures, that also stimulates liver function. Infant formulas containing fats that are more easily digested than those in standard formulas also may be recommended. Children whose HCV infection has already caused liver damage should see a pediatric gastroenterologist or hepatologist experienced in treating liver disorders.) -

Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae type b) Vaccine (VIS) (Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) disease is a serious disease caused by bacteria. It usually affects children under 5 years old. It can also affect adults with certain medical conditions.) -

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Vaccine (VIS) (HPV vaccine prevents infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) types that are associated with many cancers, including:) -

Immunizations: What You Need to Know (However, parents may still have questions about why vaccines are needed, and some parents may be concerned about vaccine safety because they have been misinformed. ) -

Influenza (Inactivated or Recombinant) Vaccine (VIS) (Influenza (“flu”) is a contagious disease that spreads around the United States every year, usually between October and May.) -

Influenza (Live, Intranasal) Vaccine (VIS) (Influenza (“flu”) is a contagious disease that spreads around the United States every year, usually between October and May.) -

Meningococcal ACWY Vaccines (VIS) (Meningococcal disease is a serious illness caused by a type of bacteria called Neisseria meningitidis. It can lead to meningitis (infection of the lining of the brain and spinal cord) and infections of the blood. Meningococcal disease often occurs without warning—even among people who are otherwise healthy.) -

Meningococcal Disease—Information for Teens and College Students (If you are a student about to start college, here are some health tips.) -

MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) Vaccine (VIS) (Measles, mumps, and rubella are viral diseases that can have serious consequences. Before vaccines, these diseases were very common in the United States, especially among children. They are still common in many parts of the world.) -

Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (VIS) (Vaccination can protect both children and adults from pneumococcal disease.) -

Pneumococcal Infections (Your child's doctor will be able to tell if your child has a pneumococcal infection by your child's symptoms, a physical exam, and looking at your child's medical history. X-rays, blood tests, and sometimes a spinal tap also may be done to find out whether a child has a pneumococcal infection.) -

Polio Vaccine (VIS) (Vaccination can protect people from polio. Polio is a disease caused by a virus. It is spread mainly by person-to-person contact. It can also be spread by consuming food or drinks that are contaminated with the feces of an infected person.) -

Protect Yourself and Help Protect Your Baby: Information for New Moms on the Tdap Vaccine (Getting the Tdap vaccine now will give you 10 years or more of protection from these diseases and help you prevent passing them on to your new baby. Isn't it great to know that just one shot can help keep you and your new baby safe and healthy? For more information about this vaccine, talk with your doctor.) -

Rotavirus Vaccine (VIS) (Rotavirus is a virus that causes diarrhea, mostly in babies and young children. The diarrhea can be severe, and lead to dehydration. Vomiting and fever are also common in babies with rotavirus.) -

Vacuna contra el Hib (Hib VIS) (La enfermedad provocada por el Haemophilus influenzae tipo b (Hib) es una enfermedad grave causada por una bacteria. Por lo general, afecta a niños menores de 5 años. También puede afectar a adultos con determinadas afecciones médicas.) -

Vacuna contra la varicela (viruela loca) (Chickenpox VIS) (La varicela (también llamada viruela loca) es una enfermedad vírica muy contagiosa. Es causada por el virus de la varicela zóster. La varicela es generalmente leve, pero puede ser grave en lactantes menores de 12 meses de edad, adolescentes, adultos, mujeres embarazadas y personas con sistemas inmunitarios debilitados.) -

Vacuna Td (Td VIS) (El tétanos y la difteria son enfermedades muy graves. Actualmente, son poco frecuentes en los Estados Unidos, pero las personas que se infectan suelen tener complicaciones severas. La vacuna Td se utiliza para proteger a los adolescentes y a los adultos contra estas enfermedades.) -

Vacuna Tdap (Tdap VIS) (El tétanos, la difteria y la tos ferina son enfermedades muy graves. La vacuna Tdap puede protegernos contra estas enfermedades. Además, si se administra la vacuna Tdap a las mujeres embarazadas, puede proteger a los bebés recién nacidos contra la tos ferina.) -

Varicella (Chickenpox) Vaccine (VIS) (Chickenpox (also called varicella) is a common childhood disease. It is usually mild, but it can be serious, especially in young infants and adults.) -

Whooping Cough (Pertussis) (Pertussis often acts like a common cold for a week or two. Then the cough gets worse, and the older child may start to have the characteristic "whoop"s. During this phase (which can last two weeks or more), the child often is short of breath and can look bluish around the mouth. She also may tear, drool, and vomit.) -

Your Child’s First Vaccines (VIS) (The vaccines covered on this statement are those most likely to be given during the same visits during infancy and early childhood. Other vaccines (including measles, mumps, and rubella; varicella; rotavirus; influenza; and hepatitis A) are also routinely recommended during the first five years of life.) -

Liverpool Office

4811 Buckley Road, Liverpool, NY 13088


9:00 am - 7:30 pm

Tuesday - Friday:

9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm



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  • "Jennifer was amazing with my daughter who was severely anxious about getting her shots. I never felt judged for one moment and she spoke to me as a fellow mom. I am so happy to have her as my daughter’s provider."
    Apr 1 2023 12:22 PM
  • "This was our first time meeting Collin and I must say very impressed. He made it so my 7 year old is no longer afraid of getting a strep test. Very polite very professional."
    Mar 4 2023 12:23 PM
  • "I am incredibly impressed with how helpful and wonderful Grace Geno was on our recent visit! She was quickly able to get my shy 11yo, who always looks to mom for answers (we are working on her speaking for herself, and Ms. Geno picked up on this as well) comfortable to answer questions on her own. She explained what was going on with my daughter's hand to us both in a way which was easy to understand. She also gave my daughter the choice on how she wanted it to be treated. During the treatment, she explained everything she was doing and let my daughter know exactly what to expect."
    Feb 15 2023 5:46 PM
  • "Dr. Dracker is always great and quick to find the problem. We are thankful for Dr. Dracker and his team."
    Jan 29 2023 12:11 PM
  • "I wanted to comment that a few weeks/months ago my son needed a referral or some paperwork signed to switch from EI to our school district for OT & speech. The OT provider said they had never received a referral back from an office so quickly. I just wanted to say thank you, it’s greatly appreciated. We initially went to SWP for the Camillus location but are more than happy to travel to Liverpool as I feel he receives great care and attention. Thanks for all you do."
    Mar 28 2023 12:18 PM